What do you think of Bobby Jindal?


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Im listening to him now after President Obamas speech to congress.He sounds like a dork,and more of the same political talk.I would like to see Palin run in 2012.Im not impressed with talk i want to see results and im not sure he has any results to brag about ,but he surely sounds like a typical politician.Hes speaking at me not to me.

I listened to his speech last night, I thought he sounded a little nervous. I think that's OK. I think it actually shows he is human. I totally agreed with everything in his message. He is definitely not "folksy" like Sarah Palin, I liked that about her too. However, I know people who would've voted for McCain if he hadn't picked her. Must be moderates (and not that McCain is a conservative
)? Anyways, I like Jindal because of his stance on like every policy I've seen so far. If you haven't done so, you should YouTube his interview from Meet the Press last Sunday. I watched a 10 minute video of him, thought he sounded much more relaxed than he did last night. Also, it would be interesting to hear from someone actually from Louisiana. From what I have read, he has made some big changes in that state. So maybe there are results to be seen?


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
How so? She deserved to have the media report her baby with Down's was not her baby, but actually her daughter's and LIE!?!?
IMO she lost the election for McCain. Palin is too far right for my liking. Sure the media wasnt kind to her, but alot of it she could have avoided if she didnt open her big mouth.


Originally Posted by salty blues
Jindal's biggest problem is that he is a young, smart conservative. Once he starts getting really well known on the national stage, the media & the liberals will start trashing him just like they did Sarah Palin.
Yeah, how is it that if you're a strong, outspoken, conservative woman, you are thought of by liberals and feminists as evil, yet you are celebrated if your a democrat. Seriously, I'm a woman, and if anyone called me a feminist, I would want to smack them in the face. Might as well tell me I'm stupid.
Originally Posted by JDL

she deserved it.

WHY?????!!!! If you are going to make a statement like that, back it up.
And, maybe those who believe that ought to move to California and help Hollywood and the leftist media run our country into the ground!!!!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
IMO she lost the election for McCain. Palin is too far right for my liking. Sure the media wasnt kind to her, but alot of it she could have avoided if she didnt open her big mouth.
If you voted for Obama and Kerry in the previous election, any republican would be to far right for you. So because she is a republican and on the right she deserved to be smeared as she was? On a personal level? Keep in mind roughly 40% of the U.S. shares most of her views....Just because a person believes something does not mean they should be lied about from the media?
Do you deserve to be treated as she was by myself because you hold different views from myself?


Originally Posted by JDL
IMO she lost the election for McCain. Palin is too far right for my liking. Sure the media wasnt kind to her, but alot of it she could have avoided if she didnt open her big mouth.
If she didn't open her big mouth and make a stand for what she believed in? Maybe McCain should've picked someone who was a quiet little woman, but I think he would'nt of seen the surge of support he saw in August. Now, that being said, most of us conservatives still would've voted for him (the lesser of two evils thing). However, I think maybe it's better that he lost. Now Obama and the democrats can take credit for spending us into the next century, and maybe, just maybe, we'll end up with a post-Carter "Reagan" type. Oh, please, please, please?????


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
If you voted for Obama and Kerry in the previous election, any republican would be to far right for you. So because she is a republican and on the right she deserved to be smeared as she was? On a personal level? Keep in mind roughly 40% of the U.S. shares most of her views....Just because a person believes something does not mean they should be lied about from the media?
Do you deserve to be treated as she was by myself because you hold different views from myself?
They were all smeared on a personal level. BTW, Palin was a puppet that was told what to do and say, then as the campaign went along she decided to be all Mavericky and started saying what she thought. You could see right through her. She's not very bright and beyond that, she was inciting violence at campaign rallies. People were yelling terrorist and kill him about Obama and she said nothing to calm the crowd. Every single time I have seen people boo McCain all thgouth the campaign Obama stopped them and told them that was not necessary. She did the exact opposite and just incited the commotion. Also, she looks to me like one of those super christian, religion is so important for people to see me involved in, but I'm really a horrible person people. I love how they paraded the whole family around to make it look like a family that had so many values, when all they really wanted to do was get sympathy votes by parading the little boy with downs syndrome around. It was so obvious and just wrong. Before anyone says anything to defend that, why weren't all of McCain's adopted kids on the stage every single time just like Palin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyFun2
I listened to his speech last night, I thought he sounded a little nervous. I think that's OK. I think it actually shows he is human. I totally agreed with everything in his message. He is definitely not "folksy" like Sarah Palin, I liked that about her too. However, I know people who would've voted for McCain if he hadn't picked her. Must be moderates (and not that McCain is a conservative
)? Anyways, I like Jindal because of his stance on like every policy I've seen so far. If you haven't done so, you should YouTube his interview from Meet the Press last Sunday. I watched a 10 minute video of him, thought he sounded much more relaxed than he did last night. Also, it would be interesting to hear from someone actually from Louisiana. From what I have read, he has made some big changes in that state. So maybe there are results to be seen?

The people from LA (not CA) that I know love him. But for the most part they are all conservatives anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
They were all smeared on a personal level. BTW, Palin was a puppet that was told what to do and say, then as the campaign went along she decided to be all Mavericky and started saying what she thought. You could see right through her. She's not very bright and beyond that, she was inciting violence at campaign rallies. People were yelling terrorist and kill him about Obama and she said nothing to calm the crowd. Every single time I have seen people boo McCain all thgouth the campaign Obama stopped them and told them that was not necessary. She did the exact opposite and just incited the commotion. Also, she looks to me like one of those super christian, religion is so important for people to see me involved in, but I'm really a horrible person people. I love how they paraded the whole family around to make it look like a family that had so many values, when all they really wanted to do was get sympathy votes by parading the little boy with downs syndrome around. It was so obvious and just wrong. Before anyone says anything to defend that, why weren't all of McCain's adopted kids on the stage every single time just like Palin?


Hmmm, doesn't McCain have kids in the military overseas? Seems he and they thought it was more important to serve their country that way then to parade around on stage. Sounds about right from a war hero like McCain.
And about those smears at the Palin rallies, I read several interviews where people that were in the crowd never heard such things. The Feds investigated even, were they ever substantiated? But, of course, if America hears it from CBS, it must be true?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
They were all smeared on a personal level. BTW, Palin was a puppet that was told what to do and say, then as the campaign went along she decided to be all Mavericky and started saying what she thought. You could see right through her. She's not very bright and beyond that, she was inciting violence at campaign rallies. People were yelling terrorist and kill him about Obama and she said nothing to calm the crowd. Every single time I have seen people boo McCain all thgouth the campaign Obama stopped them and told them that was not necessary. She did the exact opposite and just incited the commotion. Also, she looks to me like one of those super christian, religion is so important for people to see me involved in, but I'm really a horrible person people. I love how they paraded the whole family around to make it look like a family that had so many values, when all they really wanted to do was get sympathy votes by parading the little boy with downs syndrome around. It was so obvious and just wrong. Before anyone says anything to defend that, why weren't all of McCain's adopted kids on the stage every single time just like Palin?

Show me a major media outlet that blasted Obama to the degree to go so far as suggest Palin's child wasn't hers. Just one thing similar.
Why weren't they on stage? well because 2 of McCain's adopted children are 47 and 49......the other at age 17 was there on occasion. Foot in mouth? His other children are 20 or older and in College or serving in the military. Had they been on stage you would have said daddy McCain got them out of doing their duty.
Obama is bright, Palin isn't, but atleast Palin can add. Her state has a 6.6 BILLION surplus. Obama.....................exactly.
Show me a link where she incited hatred and encouraged the crowd to do those things you listed.
By the way, your boy is faltering. Governors are turning down the money he wants to give them because he is placing conditions (such as unemployment funds going to people that don't meet current unemployment standards. I am not sure how you can increase the unemployment standard, but apparently he did it.
Also Byrd (the longest tenured democrat) just blasted him of executive powers and his czar schemes.....


LMAO...I love when people get like this. A few questions for you then:
Does he have kids overseas? If so, how many? What branch of the military are they in? Are they in combat or processing data far away from the combat hoping to become politicians one day and say they were in the military on their resume? How many aren't overseas? Why weren't they ever at any rallies, on stage. Ohhh, now I remember, It's because they are adopted and aren't all the same color. That would've just been wierd.
Like I said before, I respect John McCain, my father and grandfather fought in the bay of pigs for their country and were in prison in Cuba after that. Don't come at me with the whole he's a war hero thing either because that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I love how any conversation about McCain or Palin automatically goes to, but he's a war hero, he was a POW. WOW, he is also a dude I could see myself having a beer with, but wouldn't want in charge of everything. Maybe I would have been more comfortable with him being president if it wasnt with Palin as his immediate replacement.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Oh, and as if Obama's family didn't get paraded around...for god's sake they made beanie babies of his daughters............Yeah Palin was the only pandering to the crowd with her family.........

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
LMAO...I love when people get like this. A few questions for you then:
Does he have kids overseas? If so, how many? What branch of the military are they in? Are they in combat or processing data far away from the combat hoping to become politicians one day and say they were in the military on their resume? How many aren't overseas? Why weren't they ever at any rallies, on stage. Ohhh, now I remember, It's because they are adopted and aren't all the same color. That would've just been wierd.
Like I said before, I respect John McCain, my father and grandfather fought in the bay of pigs for their country and were in prison in Cuba after that. Don't come at me with the whole he's a war hero thing either because that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I love how any conversation about McCain or Palin automatically goes to, but he's a war hero, he was a POW. WOW, he is also a dude I could see myself having a beer with, but wouldn't want in charge of everything. Maybe I would have been more comfortable with him being president if it wasn't with Palin as his immediate replacement.
Jimmy McCain the youngest of all of them besides their latest adopted child (who was on the campaign trail) did a full tour in Iraq. His duty was to patrol Anbar province. Ring any bells?
As I stated before most of his kids including the two oldest adopted children are over 30......NOT exactly the family you would notice on stage. At their age they could have been sitting right behind him and YOU would not have noticed. His college age daughter, was on the campaign trail with him as well and present at many events....guess you missed that as well. Makes me wonder if you even knew anything about the past election. You obviously have not a clue about McCain's family.
And I never went to the "he is a war hero" card....Just accept the fact I have proved you wrong...You want links I can get you those as well....not as if you would actually read them....you obviously didn't read anything on McCain or Palin during the election except the dirt.


Sorry dude, no foot in mouth here, I'm not a person who falls back to the same talking points over and over, and I would not have said he got them out of doing their duty. It's funny how no one has commented on how the baby was paraded around, because he was. Anybody can add in a state that lives off of oil...what does Alaska need 6.6 Billion dollars for? BTW, the Governers who are turning down money are only doing so with future prospects on their minds. They could care less, but when it comes around to 2012 they won't stop talking about how they refused money from Obama.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Sorry dude, no foot in mouth here, I'm not a person who falls back to the same talking points over and over, and I would not have said he got them out of doing their duty. It's funny how no one has commented on how the baby was paraded around, because he was. Anybody can add in a state that lives off of oil...what does Alaska need 6.6 Billion dollars for? BTW, the Governers who are turning down money are only doing so with future prospects on their minds. They could care less, but when it comes around to 2012 they won't stop talking about how they refused money from Obama.

Even the democrat governor of Tennessee? Yeah, breaking with the party that got him in office is smart......and if refusing money is what the people want maybe OBAMA should pay attention.
You asked about McCain's kids....I gave you the answers, but because they were not the answers you expected you have moved on. I can roll with that.
Regarding parading family...Obama? Like I said, beanie babies of the kids.......how is that for parading and using your kids?
why have a 6.6 billion surplus, so when their is a financial crisis the state can AFFORD to prop up it's citizens, oh and to actually build things and pay for them...what a novel idea. You are friggin' hilarious.....did you seriously just ask why a surplus is a good thing in a state?


You haven't proven me wrong in any way. Sorry to ruin your victory party. I didn't say that you pulled the war hero card, someone else did. I read plenty about Mccain and I know he had several children. I was simply making the point that the Palin kids were always there. After it got out that her daughter was pregnant, all of a sudden she wasn't on stage much any more and the younger daughter was then left with the duty of carrying the baby boy around.
Here are some links of people after Palin rallies speaking their mind. Apparently, she didn't say much that cleared anything up for them. They voted because they hated Obama, not so much because they loved McCain.
Here is one while she's speaking...Let's just pretend that person didn't say that. Let's not tell them that's not right, cause then we might lose their vote.
Here are some good comments by the genius.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
...the Governers who are turning down money are only doing so with future prospects on their minds. ....
And the politicians who forced tis absurdity of a pork filled "stimulus" plan aren't thinking about future votes?
This plan was a tax-funded public bribe for votes. Nothing more. Heck, that's what President Obama campaigned on. Hope=I'll pay your bills and redistribute the wealth.


Active Member
Let's compare what people in the crowds at Obama rallies and Palin rallies, shall we?
Let's see what President Obama's pastor of 20 years said or his mentor (Ayers) said...
Do you really want to play that game?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Sorry dude, no foot in mouth here, I'm not a person who falls back to the same talking points over and over.
wow, um have you listened to the points ( a term I use VERY loosely) they are nothing more than the same garbage liberals use every day.
Lets go back and look (I won't use think) about some of your posts.
1.Halliburton is evil.
hmm where have I heard that before. No I haven't it is a completely new and fresh idea that makes sense.
2. Palin hurt McCain. wow that is original. I've never heard that said before either.
ok, now you can stop thinking so you can resume posting your political thoughts...


I was waiting for it...good job going back to the same ole moot points that I'm going to ignore.
All politicians are looking for votes always, but that's precisely what the ones refusing money are doing . I'm just pointing that out. There are fringe people on both sides man. Racist, ignorant, dumb people. There will always be those people unfortunately, but my point is when it was brought up, they never tried to calm it down. They just pretended it was not being said. Obama always stopped people who were booing or yelling bad things or names and told them it wasn't necessary. I saw McCain do it once or twice toward the end after one of the debates and I respected him for that. I think if he had acted that way more along the campaign trail he would have had a way better chance of winning. That and not having chosen Palin as a running mate. They rode the wave of people saying Obama was a muslim and a terrorist and bla bla bla and never cleared the air and said "that's not true, let's focus on issues here". They let the false rumors go around because it was beneficial for them, they would get votes from those people that were scared more easily than from the ones they had to convince, you get me? He's a likeable guy really, but he really seemed like a mean old man the whole way through. I feel like he wasn't the same McCain that had run previously.