What do you think of Bobby Jindal?


Active Member
You people dog her, but yet she is running a state that still has a surplus and a rainy day fund that could fund that state for years. That is saying something. There is like 3 states that are even close to solvent right now. But that much be too much information for the party that has never let facts stand in the way.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
wow, um have you listened to the points ( a term I use VERY loosely) they are nothing more than the same garbage liberals use every day.
Lets go back and look (I won't use think) about some of your posts.
1.Halliburton is evil.
hmm where have I heard that before. No I haven't it is a completely new and fresh idea that makes sense.
2. Palin hurt McCain. wow that is original. I've never heard that said before either.
ok, now you can stop thinking so you can resume posting your political thoughts...
Halliburton is evil. There's no need for elaboration on that unless you're retarded or blind and deaf. I haven't' mentioned that at all in this thread, BTW and when I have mentioned it in the one thread I talked about it in, I made my reasons pretty clear. Look up documentaries about it...it may be enlightening for you.
Palin hurting McCain is a fact and I wasn't making point by saying that. I was just mentioning it as a complement to McCain and how I think he would have done better without her. There's no point to be made there and I wasn't saying it to prove a point. It was simply a comment.


Originally Posted by FishyFun2

WHY?????!!!! If you are going to make a statement like that, back it up.
And, maybe those who believe that ought to move to California and help Hollywood and the leftist media run our country into the ground!!!!
what does me not liking palin have to do with being leftist? I agree, hollywood and the media are whacko. Hollywood is a bunch of idiots that think they cured cancer. There political and religious views are as scary as the Jesus Camp people in the far right.
You dont have to be Red or Blue, which is the problem in our political system. Everyone is forced to pick a side instead of picking right and wrong.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
She's not very bright and beyond that, she was inciting violence at campaign rallies. People were yelling terrorist and kill him about Obama and she said nothing to calm the crowd.

You stated this. None of those videos show her doing this....as you clearly stated. As I asked, show me a video of her inciting violence and calling for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Halliburton is evil. There's no need for elaboration on that unless you're retarded or blind and deaf. I haven't' mentioned that at all in this thread, BTW and when I have mentioned it in the one thread I talked about it in, I made my reasons pretty clear. Look up documentaries about it...it may be enlightening for you.
Palin hurting McCain is a fact and I wasn't making point by saying that. I was just mentioning it as a complement to McCain and how I think he would have done better without her. There's no point to be made there and I wasn't saying it to prove a point. It was simply a comment.

Originally Posted by JDL

what does me not liking palin have to do with being leftist? I agree, hollywood and the media are whacko. Hollywood is a bunch of idiots that think they cured cancer. There political and religious views are as scary as the Jesus Camp people in the far right.
You dont have to be Red or Blue, which is the problem in our political system. Everyone is forced to pick a side instead of picking right and wrong.
wow typical liberals, palin is bad, big corporations are bad, christianity is an extreemist religion.
And you say I'm repeating the same "talking points"


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You people dog her, but yet she is running a state that still has a surplus and a rainy day fund that could fund that state for years. That is saying something. There is like 3 states that are even close to solvent right now. But that much be too much information for the party that has never let facts stand in the way.
Mickey Mouse could be the governor of Alaska, and that surplus would still exist. Plain isn't working some magical formula to keep the Alaskan budget in the black. She's just riding the coattails of previous governor's and the benefits of having hugh amounts of oil and natural gas sitting underneath her backside.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Mickey Mouse could be the governor of Alaska, and that surplus would still exist. Plain isn't working some magical formula to keep the Alaskan budget in the black. She's just riding the coattails of previous governor's and the benefits of having hugh amounts of oil and natural gas sitting underneath her backside.
How much oil is off the California coast? What is their current budget?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
wow typical liberals, palin is bad, big corporations are bad, christianity is an extreemist religion.
And you say I'm repeating the same "talking points"
lets see i am a liberal because I feel palin is an idiot right winger?
sorry but i like ceo's making millions, guns, vehicles that get 15mpg, drilling in the ocean for oil, and killing terrorists. By those statments others may call me a right winger.
Sorry but i am very far from liberal, and i dont follow the scary right wing either. Believe it or not, there are many many people that live in the middle, and these are the people that dislike palin and voted for obama because of her. Hopefully the republican party rallies the conservative-middle people instead of clinging to the jesus camp crowd. And i am not referring to christianity, i am referring to the evangelicals that use religion as a tool, much like the terrorists use religion as a tool. Watch the documentary jesus camp if you need examples. Scary stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
LMAO...I love when people get like this. A few questions for you then:
Does he have kids overseas? If so, how many? What branch of the military are they in? Are they in combat or processing data far away from the combat hoping to become politicians one day and say they were in the military on their resume? How many aren't overseas? Why weren't they ever at any rallies, on stage. Ohhh, now I remember, It's because they are adopted and aren't all the same color. That would've just been wierd.
Like I said before, I respect John McCain, my father and grandfather fought in the bay of pigs for their country and were in prison in Cuba after that. Don't come at me with the whole he's a war hero thing either because that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I love how any conversation about McCain or Palin automatically goes to, but he's a war hero, he was a POW. WOW, he is also a dude I could see myself having a beer with, but wouldn't want in charge of everything. Maybe I would have been more comfortable with him being president if it wasnt with Palin as his immediate replacement.
But you would want Obama in charge when the only thing he's ever ran in his life is his nose?
Doesn't speak much for your judgment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Mickey Mouse could be the governor of Alaska, and that surplus would still exist. Plain isn't working some magical formula to keep the Alaskan budget in the black. She's just riding the coattails of previous governor's and the benefits of having hugh amounts of oil and natural gas sitting underneath her backside.
Yeah, right.
Alaska has a surplus because Palin (and her predecessor)
had enough sense to look long term and realize that the revenues come and go. But you are right, it isn't magic. Just common sense, something Obama and those holding his leash cant seem to grasp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
How much oil is off the California coast? What is their current budget?
California drills oil? I didn't think the tree huggers would let them. If California could drill and obtain the amount of oil that Alaska pulls out of the ground, I imagine they could potentially have a surplus. However, there's more people living in just the LA area than there is in the entire state of Alaska. Gotta put that into perspective when you're talking about state budgets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
lets see i am a liberal because I feel palin is an idiot right winger?
sorry but i like ceo's making millions, guns, vehicles that get 15mpg, drilling in the ocean for oil, and killing terrorists. By those statments others may call me a right winger.
Sorry but i am very far from liberal, and i dont follow the scary right wing either. Believe it or not, there are many many people that live in the middle, and these are the people that dislike palin and voted for obama because of her. Hopefully the republican party rallies the conservative-middle people instead of clinging to the jesus camp crowd. And i am not referring to christianity, i am referring to the evangelicals that use religion as a tool, much like the terrorists use religion as a tool. Watch the documentary jesus camp if you need examples. Scary stuff.
ok so let me get this right, you are a moderate, who didn't vote for the moderate running because of the VP but instead voted for an extreme leftist ideologue that was on the top of the ticket.
That just doesn't make any sense.

Originally Posted by bionicarm

California drills oil? I didn't think the tree huggers would let them. If California could drill and obtain the amount of oil that Alaska pulls out of the ground, I imagine they could potentially have a surplus. However, there's more people living in just the LA area than there is in the entire state of Alaska. Gotta put that into perspective when you're talking about state budgets.
California drills for some oil. Not a lot anymore.


Originally Posted by reefraff
But you would want Obama in charge when the only thing he's ever ran in his life is his nose?
Doesn't speak much for your judgment.
I could care less what you think about my judgment to be completely honest.


this guy came of to me as another crazy member of the rightwing base. didnt i hear he fabricated some of his boat story.


Active Member
I'm surprised Palin hasn't slammed him for his complaint about the 'volcano monitoring' comment. Doesn't she has a volcano that's about to blow in her backyard?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
ok so let me get this right, you are a moderate, who didn't vote for the moderate running because of the VP but instead voted for an extreme leftist ideologue that was on the top of the ticket.
That just doesn't make any sense.

California drills for some oil. Not a lot anymore.
I am not a moderate. I am just a voter. I choose no side, no middle, no left, no right. I choose who i think will make the best decisions. You need to let go of the left/right/middle. I voted for the team that might help more, as opposed to one of the scariest VP candidates ever. Pulling a party lever just doesnt make sense.
As i've said in many other posts, Congress is the true demons in our system. They need to be held accountable for there actions. Hopefully the American public keeps track of them and votes them in/out for there actions.


Active Member
SteveSRT I am from Obamaland aka IL were 4 out of the last 6 Governors have now been InDICTED or convicted for crimes they did WHILE IN OFFICE. Now Obama is from the SAME CHICAGO COOK COUNTY MACHINE THAT GAVE US THOSE GOVERNORS INCLUDING THE LATEST ONE BLAGELVICH. BALGO AND OBAMA HAD THE SAME MONEY MAN TONY REZKO AND ALOT OF THE SAME FRIENDS INCLUDING EMANUAL WHO BTW IS OBAMAS CHIEF OF STAFF NOW. Emanual once sent Tom Delay aka The Hammer a Fish with a note saying if you did this CRAP word replaced to keep the mods happy YOU WOULD BE SLEEPING WERE THIS GUY USED TO SWIM. Yet you and alot more IDIOTS like you caught up in a catch phrase of an EMPTY SUIT AND EVEN EMPTIER HEAD AND REAR END voted him into office. Obama is nothing more than a siging machine for whatever Pelosi and Reid ram thru Congress EARMARS AND ALL.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
SteveSRT I am from Obamaland aka IL were 4 out of the last 6 Governors have now been InDICTED or convicted for crimes they did WHILE IN OFFICE. Now Obama is from the SAME CHICAGO COOK COUNTY MACHINE THAT GAVE US THOSE GOVERNORS INCLUDING THE LATEST ONE BLAGELVICH. BALGO AND OBAMA HAD THE SAME MONEY MAN TONY REZKO AND ALOT OF THE SAME FRIENDS INCLUDING EMANUAL WHO BTW IS OBAMAS CHIEF OF STAFF NOW. Emanual once sent Tom Delay aka The Hammer a Fish with a note saying if you did this CRAP word replaced to keep the mods happy YOU WOULD BE SLEEPING WERE THIS GUY USED TO SWIM. Yet you and alot more IDIOTS like you caught up in a catch phrase of an EMPTY SUIT AND EVEN EMPTIER HEAD AND REAR END voted him into office. Obama is nothing more than a siging machine for whatever Pelosi and Reid ram thru Congress EARMARS AND ALL.

Your shift key seems to get stuck a lot.....