What Does A Bristle Worm Sting Feel Like?

bang guy

Same as a Prickly Pear Cactus in most cases. in the case of Fire Worms it feels like a dozen bee stings.
If you get stuck by a Bristle worm place the bristles in vinegar and they will dissolve.


Ok, well I guess it wasn't a Bristle worm then cuz I didn't have an bristles in my hand. I'm not really sure what it was, but it felt like a minor bee sting.
Some bristleworm stings will feel like you rubbed your hands in ground fiberglas....itching and scratching. Others will feel like a minor insect bite such as a bee or a really hungry mosquito. Fireworms on the other hand, HURT.
I was arranging some new live rock in my tank and who would have known but a medium sized mantis shrimp came tearing after my hand....I saw him just in time and yanked my hand out of the water. A friend of mine was not so lucky and I saw the result of his slower reflexes...O U C H!!!!!


Active Member
By reading here, it HURTS with a capital H, they seem to be very powerful on the strike, can crack glass. Do a search, you'll soon see HTH


Active Member
I got hit with a bristle while putting in some recently purchased LR. It hurt a little and you could see a bunch of clear bristles sticking out of my finger. I just kind of rubbed them out under running water and all was fine.
As far as the mantis goes, fishermen call them thumb splitters for a reason.
A Mantis Shrimp can either break bones in your hand or slice it open to where you will need to go see a doctor and get sewn up. Some people actually keep these animals for pets but I would seriously advise against wanting/keeping one unless you know exactly what you are doing and read as much as you can about them to be as prepared as possible.
I have not seen the mantis in my tank for about a week now, I know they make noises but I have yet to hear any. I am concerned for my snowflake since I am unaware of the chances of the mantis attacking the eel but maybe I am lucky and the mantis died. I am rather leary about moving rock around to find out cuz I don't know if I do and that nasty demon spawn comes out and says "I missed you the last time, but not THIS time" ;p


Active Member
Seriously, there is very little to fear in keeping mantis shrimps. I kept a peacock in a 20g eclipse. I kept it for a while, and then the heater went haywire and killed the little (big) guy. S/he was 5". Ate ghost shrimp, feeder minnows, crawfish, and just about anything else I put in. That was one of the coolest things I've ever had. All his tank was was a little lr, cc, pvc pipe. Stayed in the pipe or rock most of the time. When he fed, it was so fast, you literally would miss it if you were to blink. Bo