What does evryone do for a living?


well me im the owner of 2quikmotorwerks, i build high performance honda/acura's, as well ass bimmer's volkswagon's and subys heres a pic of the engine on one of my cars


Originally Posted by turbonut
well me im the owner of 2quikmotorwerks, i build high performance honda/acura's, as well ass bimmer's volkswagon's and subys heres a pic of the engine on one of my cars
holy cow those are nice :scared:

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
OK, Darth, I have to know, what is that you do that when I bring my dogs into be groomed they smell good for so long. But when I give them a bath, well...they still stink. What do I need to do so they aren't the smelliest dogs on the block anymore.
To be honest with you, you can't do it at home. In my case for instance, there are some shampoos we a certified to use and we pay an annual fee to use them. The other thing is our sprayer/bathing system is different than the average tub and faucet at home. We will also bath a dog a minimum of three times using various shampoos for different things. After that we condition the dog. You have to let each washing and conditioning sit on the dog a minimum of five minutes (hard to do at home as most dogs will fight their owners), but preferably ten minutes.
Then afterwards we blow dry them......not air dry or towel dry but high pressure drying. It gets the wwater off quicker which will allow the shampoo and conditioner fragrance to be left behind a bit better.
The main secret is the perfume or cologne spayed on the dog at the end. Some last a really long time....
I have bathed my dogs at home, and even knowing what I need to do, I can not get the same results as I get in my shop. The facilities are different which is the main key I believe.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
here goes... i wouldv'e done this yesterday, but it's gonna take a long time.
you take out a

, and make the first few payments (first payment default will throw up red flags immediately, and you won't get too far). Then you just stop making payments. It will take four months for foreclosure proceedings to start. (now this can't happen in every state, because some states require the deed to be prepared so the lender is on the deed, and therefore, they can kick you out immediately... this just mostly applies to ohio and other states like it...) Depending on the timeliness in your area, the whole foreclosure process could take up to 3 years! (that's how it is in cleveland anyway...). Well, the lender has to schedule a court date. Once that court date comes, they have to schedule a sherrif's sale. On the day before the sherrif's sale, you file a chapter 13 bankruptcy. That cancels the foreclosure automatically. You take your time with the bankruptcy... file wrong papers, don't fill out the forms properly, etc. Once the bankruptcy is almost complete, you say "oh forget the bankruptcy... i believe i can handle these bills on my own."
Then it will take a few months for the bank to discover you're no longer in bankruptcy. They'll begin the foreclosure proceedings again. you go through the same process with the court date, and the sherrif's sale. On the day before the sherrif's sale, you file chapter 7 bankruptcy. Because of the new bankruptcy laws, you have to be a little better with the papers and whatnot, but this still takes a good deal of time. Once your chapter 7 gets toward the end, you say "oh forget the bankruptcy, i believe i can handle these bills on my own."
Then it will again take a few months for the bank to discover you're no longer in bankruptcy. They'll begin foreclosure proceedings again. You go through the same process with the court date and sherrif's sale. On the day before the sherrif's sale you again file chapter 13 bankruptcy. You have to do this one properly, or the red flags will get thrown up again. Then you cancel it, and the foreclosure proceedings start again. This time, the foreclosure finally goes through. Depending on your state, and the timelines, this whole process can take up to 7 years!! By that time, you could save all of the money you would've been spending on your

payments, give the money to a relative/close friend, and have them buy it for you at the sherrif's sale...
I strongly suggest not doing this, because it will ruin your credit forever...

I figured it was something like that.......crap....I was hoping for something else.


I'm a hard rock miner,it's a 6 figure job with a full pension,benefits,and a months paid holidays with an extra $350 per week to enjoy it a lttle more.I'll be retired by 53,not young but not too old.


I am a field service technician for ITT...I do field work on pumps and electrical controls for the water and wastewater industry...Keeping your water flowing and your wastewater clean...Not a particular glamorous job, but one I feel is very important none the less...


i am a ria - registered investment advisor
i am supposed to start studying my cfa but i am currently distracted


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Jenn , you are freakin CORRUPT ........ I like it
ill never do it though i like my credit
I am in Health Insurance at Blue Shield of CA. Very Very Very Very Nice Job.
Sorry to all of you that got your rate increases for the year , forward your complaints to Customer Service ......... No but the rate increases really do suck but we have to do it due to the cost of living and adjust accordingly to how high the hospital increases their services
i would never do that either! I like my credit too! actually, i learned that from a lawyer at a continuing education seminar...


Originally Posted by OficeDepot
i am a ria - registered investment advisor
i am supposed to start studying my cfa but i am currently distracted


I'm a portrait photographer, Mom, farmwife. We raise beef cattle,small grains and the brightest children in the county. Lol. I'm enjoying reading about all the other careers.

We own a few Appaloosas(the spotted horses), 4 outside dogs(border collie puppy(6 mos), border mix sheltie, silky terrier, and a schipperke, many outdoor cats, one Bichon Frise who rules the house. He's 7 months old and a total ham. Any fish making an escape from my future aquarium will have to hide well before recovery because he will eat anything he finds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
To be honest with you, you can't do it at home. In my case for instance, there are some shampoos we a certified to use and we pay an annual fee to use them. The other thing is our sprayer/bathing system is different than the average tub and faucet at home. We will also bath a dog a minimum of three times using various shampoos for different things. After that we condition the dog. You have to let each washing and conditioning sit on the dog a minimum of five minutes (hard to do at home as most dogs will fight their owners), but preferably ten minutes.
Then afterwards we blow dry them......not air dry or towel dry but high pressure drying. It gets the wwater off quicker which will allow the shampoo and conditioner fragrance to be left behind a bit better.
The main secret is the perfume or cologne spayed on the dog at the end. Some last a really long time....
I have bathed my dogs at home, and even knowing what I need to do, I can not get the same results as I get in my shop. The facilities are different which is the main key I believe.
Dang, I figured you were going to say something like that. Guess I'll just have to shell out the bucks and have them scrubbed up by the professionals. I do appreciate all the information though, it really helped me get past my cheapness. So, do you have any hints on how to help with shedding??? Do you get the feeling that I am trying to soak every bit of info from you that I can???