What does this look like to you?


Active Member
gah, the same issue i have... i HATE these varying shades of colors that are so similar to each other you cannot tell what they are.
it does though look darker than 7.8


Active Member
I think this would be almost impossible to answer through those pictures. As long as you are doing water changes and don't have any other tank symptoms. And the ph is staying constant I think you would be fine. And next time maybe buy a kit that you can read. Everyone is different and some people have a ruff time using test kit a but test kit b is great for them. Just like anything else.
Hope this helps.


yeah the varying shades of the same color is a pain. but yes it is the same reading everytime...same color. its weird cause if i bend the card a lil and let more light in it looks exactly like 7.8 but if i hold it against the card its just a darker color not on the charts. idk


Active Member
If you are real concerned about it take a water sample to your lfs. They can tell you what you ph is then use that value as a reference? That might help. I also use the same background with the same lighting for every test I do. I think this would be a consistant way to do things.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Stickman
also can pH be 7.8 with calcium at 500ppm and alk at 12dkh?
Yep, that's possible. Unless you're very in tune with your aquarium Alkalinity & Calcium levels I'd back off on dosing to let these levels drop.
I wouldn't do anything about PH. Test for PH a few times during the day to find out how much it's changing. If it's low in morning and fine the rest of the day then I wouldn't worry at all. If it stays low I'd check to see that the skimmer is operating adequately and that none of the pumps or powerheads are clogged.


I agree with the 8.4 also. I have the same test and that is the color I come up with and I have been thinking it is 8.4 with no problems.


i also used to use that test kit and found it horribly lacking in accuracy. it really depends on where you are looking at it and what light you are using. i could get mine to be almost any color based on what room i was in and what light was in the room.
sopposedly the best way to view that is in natual light. step outside and read it it will give you the most acurate answer it can then.
then in my opinion go buy a salifert test kit. '


Active Member
first pic looks like 7.8 and the second looks 8.4, if they are the same tube i don't know what to tell u


Bang Guy said:
Yep, that's possible. Unless you're very in tune with your aquarium Alkalinity & Calcium levels I'd back off on dosing to let these levels drop.
the levels are pretty much stable there. i havent dosed with anything? any ideas??


i'll probably take a sample down to the LFS and then buy a good pH meter! thanks everyone for the input. i'll check it in natural light tomorrow and see if it changes lol. thanks again!


Active Member
Mix up a new batch of saltwater and test it for comparison. Most salt mixes will mix to 8.2 to 8.4, it should say on the label and they are usually spot on. Use this to compare with the results from your tank water. If they are both the same color your most likely good, excluding the unlikely event you got a bad batch of salt.
Same applies for other test. RO/DI will test zero for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate etc. compare these zero shades with test results from your tank water.
Ideally you want your tank water to stay the same PH (and other levels) as your newly mixed water so larger water changes can be performed without much change to PH. If not perform smaller water changes until levels equal out.
Looks to me like 8.4 from the pics


well i did what murph suggested and they are exactly the same color...but still dont know the value 7.8-8.4 but it is the same. im using oceanic salt so hopefully its where it should be.