Well here is a list of fish that I like. I can get pellet, flake, frozen (brine, mysis, herbivore, squid, etc.), and pods. Will all these fish live well on one of those four options above? My tank is 40g with a refugium. I have 75 lbs. of lr (93 lbs. counting fuge) and 90 lbs. of ls (106 lbs. counting fuge). I know this is a little to many fish but this is just a list not my final list. Can someone help me trim it down to like 5 or 7?
1- Mandarin Dragonent
3- Blue Neon Gobies
1- Jawfish Goby
1- Firefish Goby
1- 4-Wheel Drive Goby (Signal Goby)
2- False Percula Clownfish
1- Mandarin Dragonent
3- Blue Neon Gobies
1- Jawfish Goby
1- Firefish Goby
1- 4-Wheel Drive Goby (Signal Goby)
2- False Percula Clownfish