What Fish?


I have a 45 gallon tank with 60lbs of ls and 55 lbs of lr (will be getting more), and i am going to have 2 percula clowns and an anemone. Can anyone recommend any other fish that i can put in there with them. Thanks for any advice given.
P.S.- The reason i am posting on this board is because it is going to be a reef tank!


Active Member
umm depends on what type of fish you like maybe a firefish or sixline wrasse or a goby or blenny list some things of what you like.


I like the six line wrasse! What would be the best type of goby to put in the tank? Is there any peaceful fish besides those types.?


Active Member
yes there are tons of peaceful fish i have found blackcap basslet, royal gramma(few people say they are kinda mean) i could make a huge list if you want for you to choose from


Please! :joy: I have a hard time making up my mind on what to have and i don't want to do anything wrong like have a fish that will outgrow my tank. I can't even tell you how long it took me to decide on the clowns and anemone and the sixline. Now my only delima with those is trying to decide what kind of anemone to get.


Active Member
ok first of all list all the types of fish you like example-Angelfish, Butterflys,Blenny's, Gobies. What do you like? then i will make a list for you to choose from.


Active Member
and as far as the anemone goes you don't have to get an anemone you could get a plate coral green long tentacle(its in the coral section of saltwaterfish.com or you could get a pulsing xenia you dont need an anemone but if you want one clownfish like the green carpet anemone and Heteractis Magnifica the best usually they will host a bubble tip or long tentacle too.


I like angelfish, blennies, some butterflys (are they reef safe), dottybacks, mandarins, and gobies. I love tangs but my tank is too small! I really appreciate you doing this!


At first i didn't like the carpets, but now i am starting to like them. I am leaning more towards them or the heteractis magnifica/ritteri. I like some bubbles also, not crazy about the lta. I am going to be getting a new light fixture within the next couple of weeks. I bought the current sattelite pc. It is 192 watts total with moon lights. The one i will be getting is the current sunpod HQI metal hallide fixture, 300 watts total with 9 blue lunar lights and 9 white lunar lights. Sounds ok?


Active Member
ok here it is check into all of these maybe search on google images well anyways right down all the ones you like and tell me.
Orchid Dottyback
Brazilian Gramma
Royal Gramma
Blackcap Basslet
Mainly any Dwarf Angel but you will have a 50/50 chance of it nipping/maybe eating some corals.
Midas Blenny
Lawnmower Blenny
Sand Perch Blenny(often confused with the Scooter Blenny)
Occellated Dragonet
Spotted Mandarin Dragonet
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Stellate Dragonet
(you will have to have lots of Live Rock and you will probablly have to purchase tigger pods for them if you can't get them to eat live/frozen foods)
Rainfords Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby Paired with a Pistol Shrimp
Yellow Clown Goby
Neon Goby
Decorated Goby
Blackray or Whiteray Shrimp Goby
Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby
Diamond Goby
Other Stuff:
Purple Firefish
Fire Goby
Helfrich's Firefish
Yellow Assessor
Blue spot Jawfish(caution with small,delicate,or ornamental shrimp)
Hope Those Are the Type Of Fish You Like Tell Me What you like and if you like a fish that i did not list tell me and i will tell you if it is a good idea or not.


Ok, i have gone through the list and decided what i like. I like the orchid dottybacks, brazilian and royal gramma, flame and yellow pygmy angelfish, sand perch blenny, green mandarin dragonet, and the rainfords goby. I also like the clown goby's but i read on another site that the will peel the top layer off of acropora corals and make a nest out of them. Now i just have to decide which of these fish to put with the two clowns and sixline wrasse!


Active Member
if you are worried about the clown gobies peeling/eating something then you shouldn't get the Dwarf Angelfish becuase like half of them will nip/eat corals.


Active Member
if i were you i would pick maybe 4 out of these for the best coloration
Orchid Dottyback
Royal Gramma (not sure if it will get along with the orchid dottyback you would have to ask someone)
Flame Angel
Sand Perch Blenny
Green Mandarin Dragonet


:cheer: Ok thanks, I like the other fish that i listed a whole lot better than the angels anyway. I like having a lot of littler fish. Thanks for all your help. If you have any more suggestions and advice please let me know!!!


Active Member
No problem I love to help your fish list is very similar to mine for my 72 gal. bowfront and what i was going to do in my 29 (but i decided to go and get the 72.)


Active Member
im not sure of how much you know but what do you think of my fish list for my 72. Bow
1 Flame Angel
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Blackcap Basslet
5 Blue Green Chromis(they school you could get those to they have a very very very small bioload)
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Green Mandarin Dragonet
1 Sand Perch Blenny
2 True Percula Clownfish from the solomon islands