What got my peppermint shrimp?

tax lady

I had, but can't find anymore, a peppermint shrimp. 24 gal. aquapod, lr,ls,nas, turbos,2 sandsifting starfish, green brittle star, 2 emerald crabs, lta. The only thing I can think of is the brittle star, or maybe the crabs, although they are small. I know the shrimp tried to climb in the anemone when I fed it a silverside last time. tank only 1 month stocked.
Can anyone tell me what your thoughts are on who did it???


Originally Posted by Tax lady
I had, but can't find anymore, a peppermint shrimp. 24 gal. aquapod, lr,ls,nas, turbos,2 sandsifting starfish, green brittle star, 2 emerald crabs, lta. The only thing I can think of is the brittle star, or maybe the crabs, although they are small. I know the shrimp tried to climb in the anemone when I fed it a silverside last time. tank only 1 month stocked.
Can anyone tell me what your thoughts are on who did it???
I would look at the emerald crab as the one who did it. I thought they would be reef safe. But today my buddy added to cleaner shrimp to his tank and I watched 1 of his emerald crab grab it and kill it, then had a nice feast on it. So we took his 2 emeralds out of the tank and they are going back to the store tomorrow. Then we put in his other cleaner shrimp and it seems to be doing good.
It was just crazy how fast the emerald killed and ate the shrimp.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have kept emeralds with shrimp no probalem in a smaller nano tank. The crab was probably starving. No more algae or not feeding it enough.


Active Member
The green brittle star, is a likely suspect and in case you didn't know green brittle stars are preditory and can attack and kill fish and inverts. Also they will get way too big for a 24g tank my green brittle star is currently 20+ inches wide. The emerald crabs and the anemone are possible culprits also.


Originally Posted by Tax lady
I had, but can't find anymore, a peppermint shrimp. 24 gal. aquapod, lr,ls,nas, turbos,2 sandsifting starfish, green brittle star, 2 emerald crabs, lta. The only thing I can think of is the brittle star, or maybe the crabs, although they are small. I know the shrimp tried to climb in the anemone when I fed it a silverside last time. tank only 1 month stocked.
Can anyone tell me what your thoughts are on who did it???
The sand sifting stars will die of starvation, sadly. They would die of starvation in a 75 gallon, that is mature. They eat micro-fauna in the sand bed, which you have none of. Return them to the store. You have a very large cleaning crew in a new, and small, tank. I actually think that he has molted. The cleanup crew would eat the molt, but they hide for several days while the new shell hardens. The shrimp would only be eaten if he died. Don't buy anything else for awhile.

tax lady

Thanks to all of you who have replied to my question. Wanted to get another peppermint shrimp but the LFS had only small ones and did not want another death on my hands. Everything else is getting along o.k. except for a few of the nas and other snails. some have died. They are getting enough food. I saw the peppermint eating all the time I fed.,,and he even came out when I gave my LTA a silverside and tried to get it. He was big enough and was there for 2 or 3 weeks, so,,who knows...
Thanks again...


Active Member
If you have several snails dying it sounds like you may have a water quality issue or a preditor. What are your water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Specific Gravity, PH are the ones I am looking for in particular. Its not normal to have several snails die at the same time, I wouldn't be concerned if it was one or two but any more than that....
Do you have any hermits and what do you have for fish?
I also agree with Sep on the sandsifting stars if you can return it please do, it will not survive in your tank they need several square feet of sandbed in order to survive long term and it could take a few months for the star to starve to death.

tax lady

Originally Posted by natclanwy
If you have several snails dying it sounds like you may have a water quality issue or a preditor. What are your water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Specific Gravity, PH are the ones I am looking for in particular. Its not normal to have several snails die at the same time, I wouldn't be concerned if it was one or two but any more than that....
Do you have any hermits and what do you have for fish?
I also agree with Sep on the sandsifting stars if you can return it please do, it will not survive in your tank they need several square feet of sandbed in order to survive long term and it could take a few months for the star to starve to death.
my nitrate is 0
nitrite 0
gravity 1.021
ph 7.5
fish - 2 clowns
hermits, a few. Large one died but still have a few small ones.
Seems like more snails died. Unless they are hiding.
My turbo snails are the only ones I see now.
Had some nass and other round larger ones.
Bought a sally lf crab and saw the brittle star trying to eat her. She was already dead...So that may be my culprit with the peppermint also.
thanks all.. for the info... I am new and have a lot to learn, but am reading the forums every night.


Originally Posted by Tax lady
my nitrate is 0
nitrite 0
gravity 1.021
ph 7.5
fish - 2 clowns
hermits, a few. Large one died but still have a few small ones.
Seems like more snails died. Unless they are hiding.
My turbo snails are the only ones I see now.
Had some nass and other round larger ones.
Bought a sally lf crab and saw the brittle star trying to eat her. She was already dead...So that may be my culprit with the peppermint also.
thanks all.. for the info... I am new and have a lot to learn, but am reading the forums every night.
I think we have found the problem. Your SG is very low for any inverts. They slowly die of acclimation shock in lower SG. It can take a month or so of slow death. It should be 1.025-1.026. That is closest to natural sea water. Your PH will raise with the increased salinity. Mix up some water at 1.026. Instead of topping off with fresh water, top off with that. You don't want to raise the SG too quickly.

tax lady

Originally Posted by sepulatian
I think we have found the problem. Your SG is very low for any inverts. They slowly die of acclimation shock in lower SG. It can take a month or so of slow death. It should be 1.025-1.026. That is closest to natural sea water. Your PH will raise with the increased salinity. Mix up some water at 1.026. Instead of topping off with fresh water, top off with that. You don't want to raise the SG too quickly.
Thank you so much!!! you have found the answer to my problem!!
when my tank was set up, (bought used from LSF girlfriend) the LSF who set it up had the salinity higher, but the last time I changed water it only came to 1.021 or 22, (using 1/2 cup salt to 1 gal water) and again today when I changed it, and that is when I found the snails disappearing. Guess he had a reason for having it so high.
Thanks again!!


Originally Posted by Tax lady
Thank you so much!!! you have found the answer to my problem!!
when my tank was set up, (bought used from LSF girlfriend) the LSF who set it up had the salinity higher, but the last time I changed water it only came to 1.021 or 22, (using 1/2 cup salt to 1 gal water) and again today when I changed it, and that is when I found the snails disappearing. Guess he had a reason for having it so high.
Thanks again!!
Don't go by the recommended amount on the container. That amount is for very low SG, such as what you have. Inverts NEED to have it higher. Fish benefit from it because it is more natural to them. Test the water before it goes into the tank. If you have to add more salt, then you have to wait another day to use it.

tax lady

That brings up another question. I mix salt and do not use it for a day or more. But when I put it in the tank you can see the salt,,like its hazy. I do shake it quite a bit in each gallon jug, so is it suppose to look like that?


you need to make the salt in a large trash can or rubber tub or something of that nature and let it sit and mix with a power head and a heater to get the temps to match your D/T. It needs to mix for atleast 24 hours.

tax lady

I don't use it for at least 24 hours, but do I really need a power head to mix it. ? Isn't shaking it in the gallon jugs enough?


yes it should go in clear. Shaking it is not really going to do much. You need a power head to keep circulation in the bucket, jug or trashcan.


Originally Posted by Tax lady
I don't use it for at least 24 hours, but do I really need a power head to mix it. ? Isn't shaking it in the gallon jugs enough?
Shaking it is not enough. Not only does the salt have to dissolve, you have to have proper gas exchange. Caron dioxide is released as the salt dissolves. Mixing it with a power head oxygenates the water. If you cannot get a power head and a bucket right now then you could use the jugs. Only fill them 3/4 of the way. Shake them vigorously, then take the top off. Replace the cap then shake it some more. The empty space at the top of the jug will be filled with oxygen when you shake it. By removing the cap you will allow the carbon dioxide to escape.
I hope that makes sense.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Tax lady
I don't use it for at least 24 hours, but do I really need a power head to mix it. ? Isn't shaking it in the gallon jugs enough?
A powerhead isn't required but it's helpful. The most important thing is to get it dissolved as fast as possible. I recommend vigerously stirring the water while slowly adding the salt as the best way to mix new saltwater.

tax lady

Thanks for the answers. Now I know how to make salt water. Guess you can't go by the directions on the container all the time.
It is such a blessing to have you guys to help me out as I am so new and need all the help I can get.
thanks again.