what happened?


I woke up this morning and when i turned on my lights my goby(not sure of the name but he picks sand up and filters it through his gills)darted out from under a rock and started confulsing.Looked like he was having a seizur or somethig.He went to the bottom,twitched a little more the died.What the heck happened to him? All other fish are ok.All water specs are fine.


I'm sorry for your loss....Was the goby new?Does he usually dart out?...Maybe your lights shocked him and cause him to die.....Also are your lights on timers?


Sounds like a blue-cheeked goby I have one and he has never had trouble with lights but... how long have your lights been off? If it was a long time maybe it was to sudden of a change, like when humans have seizures because of a bright flash of light.


Active Member
I don't know how you got Blue-Cheeked Goby from that, but it sounds just like any other Sleeper Goby. He may have been stuck under the rock that he darted out from under, and just managed to get free, but died from the trauma. Or maybe he was shocked to the lights, until you can give any more info, like other tank inhabitants, water parameters, etc, it'll just be a shot in the dark.

bang guy


Originally posted by Articuno
Because blue cheeked gobies spend most of their time filtering sand, duh!

So do all the other Sleeper Gobies.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
So do all the other Sleeper Gobies.

well, I've only seen the blue-cheeked, I'm pretty new to swf, though I've had fwf all my life.



Originally posted by Demosthenes
I wasn't on at the time to field that grounder, thanks for the rebuttal, Bang.

boys :rolleyes: