What have we done wrong ?


New Member

It has been ages since I last posted and things have been going great until last week and then disaster struck.
First our mardarin looked dull and as through she had small blisters forming. The blenny seemed to loose his colour and was very quiet and not feeding and the tang was covered in white spot. Also our coral beauty developed pop eye.
Over the past 4 days only the tang has survived even though we have been treating the tank with some green liquid that covers various conditions including white spot, pop eye etc.
We have also lost our Orchid Dottyback and she showed no signs of being sick at all, one minute she was fine then she was dead.
Yesterday one of our clowns had trails of white mucas and today his fins look like they are rotting away. The six line wrasse is rubbing the rocks and the cromis has pop eye and looks like he will die any minute.
The water has been checked for everything and all the levels are correct, the temp is also ok.
We really don't know what to do as the system is 1 year old and this is the first time anything has gone wrong. The last thing to be introduced to the tank was the mandarin in December, we got her fom a friend and they have not had any problems.
As of the morning we only have 6 fish left
I tang - covered in white spot for a week but feeding
I clown - looking OK and feeding
1 clown - not feeding since yesterday and fins rotting
1 six line wrasse - feeding but rubbing the rocks
1 chromis - pop eye and looking like death
1 damsel - looking ok and feeding
Can anyone offer any suggestions as we have been told so many different things but they are all different. I also read on the net about using garlic, but then other articles said garlic will kill the fish.
We also have 2 shrimps, some crabs and 2 star fish that all look fine.
Please help before they all die, I know it is silly but I love all my fish and it is heartbreaking to see them like this.


New Member
Just popped home to see how they are and things don't look good.
Help, please, anyone?


New Member
When I get home I will post them, along with the treatment we are using.
Thank you for replying


New Member
The blue chromis is now dead and the clown looks like he has pop eye, his fins have rotted badly today and he does not look good at all.
We have a 250 ltr tank and the flow is approx 1500 ltrs per hour.
The treatment is called Myxazin
Thanks, any suggestions needed urgently.


New Member
The tank is one year old, I don't deal with all the tech stuff, my husband does that, so I don't know what they are.
He said the water is perfect nothing is too high or to low, our fish shop has also checked everything, temp just right.
Lost two more fish over night, the tang now has pop eye, and it seems once they get that they only live a day, and the other clown is covered in brown spots.
That is what is so upsetting they all have different symptoms.
We only have 2 healty looking fish now, they are going to the fish shop for them to look after to see how they do and we are going to run the tank for 6 weeks with no fish and see what happens.
2 weeks ago we had a beautiful healthy looking tank and now nothing, I am so upset.


Active Member
I would suspect something foreign has entered the tank..either environmental, from the water, or the food. We really need to know the parameters and how the tank is set up. What type of filtration..etc. Meds should never be used in the display. Are there any extreme fluctuations..in the temp or SG.? Possibility of stray voltage?

bang guy

The flow rate is very very low but that will not produce the symptoms you are describing. Can you list the primary water parameters:


Think back to last week, did you add anything new to your tank? This includes snails, rock, coral or fish?


New Member
Sorry, been offline a while.
Nothing has been added to the tank at all.
I don't have any numbers to give you, all our tank testing kits are done by a colour card, you match your water to the colour on the chart, they are all normal.
Temp is about 79.
The last fish died on Friday so we now have a Tang who was covered in white spot but now looks normal, I blue Damsal and 1 sixline Wrasse all the other fish have died.
The fish that are left now look healthy and are eating well. We can't catch them so we have decided to wait 6 weeks before we add any fish, just incase whatever killed them has a cylce and it comes back.


Active Member
You need better test kits so you can get true numbers...Fastest kits are good for amm, nitrate,nitrite, phosphates and PH. I use all salifert test kits..and at least get their alkalinity test if you can't afford them all. A good lfs should be able to test until you can get all the kits together. Ich does have a cycle, and will often come back worse on the second round. If you want to catch and QT the fish, consider preparing a water change, pulling the tank down half way{part of the water can be returned to the tank}...some top rocks can be removed or caves can be blocked with filter material..and the fish can be easily caught. Be sure that SG.,PH and temp is matched on your water change. Adding some fresh garlic or garlic extreme to the diet can help to boost the immune system to help ward off the parasite and increase the fish's slime coat to protect them. A varied diet also helps. Consider Bang Guy's reply as to the circulation being increased. I was away for 4 days last week..a powerhead used for additional circulation was not running while I was gone which reduced the oxygen in that particular tank. I got home just in time...I would have lost those fish... as they were in pretty bad shape. They are all ok I am happy to report. Stability in a tank is very important!