What have you kept using stock lights in Biocube 30 ? Pics?


Hi all, I'm setting up a 30gal Biocube and will be running the stock lights. I plan on keeping fish, LR/LS and some mushrooms, rics and softies.
I know the rage is to mod the hell out of BC's (I may upgrade to LED's at some point down the road but for now I'm only modding the back as a fuge, and removing the tab to increse flow). Other than that its bone stock!
So if you, like me are running stock lights what have you been able to keep successfully under stock lights in a BC30? Better yet, can you post some pics?
Thanks in advance!


I look forward to see if anyone responds to your original question.
We are in the same boat; I have a 29g Biocube (that is still in a box).
I am still getting extra supplies and ording live sand and rock (20lbs live sand / 25 lbs live rock).
I am also running the stock lights (and was told by LFS same as you, "mushrooms, rics and softies").
Questions for you, are you running a skimmer? Brand? Chamber 1 or Chamber 2?
I am still flip flopping on the exact set up and mods I am going to do.....
Should I remove the tab for extra flow? Should I set up a fuge (live rock and a light?) or just run the back as a sump with a Media basket, Protein skimmer, and heater.
So many choices and no straight answers!


Amen brotha! Lots of questions, not enough answers! Mine is also still in the box and I'm also getting everything together to set it up all at once. I hope to have it up and cycling in about 2 weeks. Can't wait to get it set up.
I've also been debating wether or not to use a skimmer. The optional Biocube skimmer seems kind of small, but from what I've read on the boards its seems to be working for some people pretty well and at $35, it's pretty cheap and worth a shot. It seems as if having the correct water level in it is the key to good performance with it. As for placement, I'll probably put it in the 1st chamber as indicated by Oceanic. I know Tunze makes the Nano DOC Skimmer that fits on the BC29 but its $150 and I don't want to part with that kind of $$ right now.
Like I mentioned above, I'm going to remove the tab with a Dremel to get more flow since more flow is almost always a good thing. I'm not going to punch in the false bottom in the 2nd chamber, mianly b/c I dont want to screw up the tank and I don't think its essential for proper function. I'm going to ditch the bio-balls and give it a go with a Chaeto algae refugium in the back (no live sand or LR, just chaeto since there will be enough LS &LR in the front of the tank and I want to avoid any dead spots or nitrate build up). I'm going to run a tray on top of the 2nd chamber with Purigen & Chemi-Pure since I'm running those on my other tanks with good results. See link to design below.

Below is a link to a fuge set up that Spanko (a member of these boards) has in his BC29, its a spectacular tank, retrofitted some MH on it and he also runs a stock BC20 skimmer and it seems to work for him. On the 1st page of the post you can see a design of the fuge set up he has. He fabricated a small tray from acrylic to fit over the fuge for the Purigen & ChemiPure. I'll try the same thing except that I'm going to put my fuge light (coralife mini-aqualight) on the back of the tank with some velcro tape so it shines into the little window in the back of the BC. (Quick tip on lighting, they say to run the fuge light opposite of the tank lights, that way you balance the uptake cycle). I'll probaly add some turbo snails back there to help with the algae growth on the glass and see if they thrive. Heres the link:
Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?

So I hope that helps, let me know if you find any more info. Maybe we can get some more people to chime in and send some pics. Good luck and let me know how it goes.


I just realized you were the one who sent me Spankos link in a previous post! hahaha...looks like we're really in the same boat!


So for Protein skimmers I found four (4) that could work in the Biocube29;
Oceanic Version for Biocube = $40
Pros; the cheapest, made just for the Biocube.
Cons; runs with Airstone, least efficient.
Aquaticlife 115 = $60
Pros; could fir in Chamber 1 or 2, second least expensive.
Cons; tight fit in 1st chamber, removal of false bottom required.
CPR SR3 = $130
Pros; higher output/rating.
Cons; only runs in chamber 2 and takes the whole chamber.
Tunze Nano 9002 = $150
Pros; highly recommnded, compact.
Cons; highly priced!


I think I am going to go for the Aquaticlife (since I think it's what SPANKO used, and I like the options of either Chmaber 1 or 2). It also is the best bang for the buck (hopefully)...
At a LFS the showed me a media tray made just for the Biocube (and other nano tanks) that fit perfect and I was going to use to run the Chemipure and Purigen (along with some filter floss). I am not very handy with tools, so it really solved my issues with making a custom drip tray.
I found it online (after a long search), only one place seems to sell it (I did a search for "biocube29 media tray").
It looks well made and fits perfect (so I think I am going to order it).
They also sell a Fuge basket (and light) along with lots of recommended set up options (well worth the reading).
Just thought you would be interested in this.....
Good luck.
We can both post pics in a few weeks once we start to set up!


Thanks for the nice breakdown on the skimmers! The airstone in the Biocube was also putting me off. I may go with the Aquaticlife too but I really want to look into how to best remove the false bottom. I just dont want to crack a brand new tank, but guess It'll have to be done.
Is the media tray site you found called InTank? They have some pretty cool setups, they look well built and it's all pretty much plug and play. Plus I like the fact that they are custom made for the BC29. I'll see if I can DIY them for less (I'm trying to stay on budget, baby on way!) if not I'll probably end up getting the package.
Good luck with your cube, looking forward to sharing some pics soon. btw, where did you end up getting the LR & LS?


For anyone interested. I had written Oceanic Systems/Coralife a few days ago regarding what kinds of corals could be kept in a BC29. I must say I've always had great responses from them whenever I've had issues with my Coralife lights or questions about their products. Below is the detailed response from their head tech.
"There are a number of corals that can be kept under the stock lights. Technically speaking the front section of the tank is not 29 gallons. The main display area is only about 24 gallons (without decorations). This means you have about 3 watts per gallon.
You can keep just about any mushroom coral, Zoanthid polyps, clove polyps, anthelia, branching hammer coral, frog spawn, torch coral, candy coral (Caulastrea), star polyps, most leathers (except yellow frilly leathers), xenia, deep water Acropora, and any non-photosynthetic coral. You can even keep clams if you have them in the upper 6 inches of the water column."
in response to my question about light intensity in the water column:
"You don't actually measure watts as you go down in the water column. It is the PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) that you measure. The PAR output is measured at 12 inches from the light source which will be about 3/4 of the way down into the water. PAR is most intense at the center of the bulb and weakens as you go out towards the extremities. From 8 inches either direction of the bulb which is most of the bulb the PAR value is about 80 -100. The farther away you get from the bulb the weaker that becomes. Because the biocube is compact, expect from 50 to 120 PAR, 50 at the bottom extremities of the tank and 120 moving towards the surface of the water"


Well-Known Member
Par is good but pur is better....photosynthesis usable radiation! There is no way a scientist can measure this but LEDs are suggested to have better pur than par...imo LEDs and plasma will replace PCs and Mhs down the road...t5s will still be around but not used as much me thinks!
As for a skimmer, have u guys looked into the hydor slim skim? I believe it would fit in a chamber but im not sure! The only bad thing about the air stones is that u have to replace em! I dont know how much they cost or how often but i personally wouldnt want to do that! Ive heard good things about the aqualife one as well! I know of a place that has the hydor skimmer on sale! Ill pm u guys the link!


HMMMM...interesting about the deepwater acros
I have the JBJ nano cube, and I use the skimmer for that....IMO it works just fine...can't tell you about the bio-cube one though


Thanks Meowzer, I thought that tip about the deep water acros was pretty interesting too. I suppose that since they are deep water species their lighting needs can be met under the weaker lighting, I've already added that to the livestock list ;).
Overall I think I'm sold on using a skimmer, I had a CPR Backpak one on a 30gal tank I ran a few years ago and it always kept my water clear so I think I'll add one to my BC. At the moment I think I'm leaning towards the Aqualife 115 since it has no stone (and its under $70).
Are you running a fuge in your JBJ or do you filter w bioballs?
Well for my 29 gallon biocube. I am running the ocenaic biocube protein skimmer ( you have to play with the air flow to see the results you want best) I set my to low and it gives me best results i just have had time ti replace the wood stone. In my fish tank i currently have mushroom frags, purple tip anemone, hairy mushroom, and colt coral. I took all the bioball and use sponge filter in the back for now. I look to get plants in the back but not at the moment. All my lighting so far been stock. I don't plan to upgrade them till next year. I have about roughly 25 lbs of rock. about an inch layer of sand or so. CuC: 5 Turbo snail and narassi snail. It is hard to get narassil snail. If i am even spelling ti right. Fishes: Fire Goby, two percula clown fish, six line wrasses, and yellow watchmen goby. I have Cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp. Also have korailla 1 and heater. that about it.
this isn't up to date.