What I learned from SWF.com funny

nacl freak

Originally Posted by Nel621
Here are a few things I learned from this message board:
1 If you want a tang and have a small tank get it and don"t TELL ANYONE!
2 If you are having nitrate problems then your tank is too small.
3 If your skimmer isn't doing its job,then you need to skim some more money from your wallet.
4 If you don't have enough flow in your tank its' because your pocket is too shallow.
5 If you think you need a reactor you may be over reacting
6 If you have a question about lighting and don't get answer just wait,some else will ask the same question.
7 If your question is "What can I keep with this light" and the answer is sps and softies,you will still not know what to keep with this light.
8 If you think an annenome,coral and a shroom are all the same,you are not alone.
9 If you have more than one fish you need more than one tank.
Please feel free to add to this list!
16 Reading FAQ part of forum is only used as a last resort.


17) There is not a single thing that may and since this is salt water will go wrong with a tank that the lfs cannot fix by selling you something.


Active Member
I've learned that I know more than people who have been in the hobby 25years and less than people who have been in the hobby 1 year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I've learned that I know more than people who have been in the hobby 25years and less than people who have been in the hobby 1 year.
I dont think anyone saw the humor in this.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I dont think anyone saw the humor in this.......
I did Reef.
19) My damsel's always been well-behaved, until I have to post the 1,000,000th thread about how to it get it/them out of there because its terrifying another fish/resident.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
That is what I always do

See Sir Q I try to be nice but you just don’t let me so now I have to make public our little secret. When they were casting for the Fantastic Four there was much discussion about making the FLAME TORCH
a woman and you were their first choice.


Originally Posted by florida joe
See Sir Q I try to be nice but you just don’t let me so now I have to make public our little secret. When they were casting for the Fantastic Four there was much discussion about making the FLAME TORCH
a woman and you were their first choice.

You are too much Joe!