What I learned from SWF.com funny


Active Member
Joe...how could you have ever possibly had a riff with sep...I have not searched the threads, but I just don't see it in either of the two of you


Active Member
19) If you have a question to post, but feel hesitant for your inability to use proper grammar and/or punctuation, don't worry about it! No one uses much of either on this forum, anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
19) If you have a question to post, but feel hesitant for your inability to use proper grammar and/or punctuation, don't worry about it! No one uses much of either on this forum, anyway.
True...but we all should. Maybe that's something Admin. should consider (SPELLCHECK)


Originally Posted by T316
Now that was just a given IMO...but Joe has probably gone to bed and can't defend himself at the moment (old fart)
Just kiddn' Joe
No kidding, he knows that he is

I am kidding. I should be nice on here. We kid, he has given me plenty. He darn well better be able to take it

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok if you must know every time Sir Q flames me she sends me a song. Always the same song “ you only hurt the one you love” And I send her one in return “come on baby light my fire”

matt b

Active Member
I have not learn much from here. BUT my LFS taught me that if you keep your tank above 87 you can not get ich!

al mc

Active Member

Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Thought of some counter ones we read too often.
14) Because I don't have the space or money to setup a QT I should never get anything with a disease because it's not my fault.
15) Because I am impatient, there ought to be a way to dump a mandarin in my tank in like 2 months max. Just after all the algae dies off.
16) My tang is acting funny in his 40gal. I know it's not because of tank size, because it's not. Any reasons my tang acting is funny? Look, stop telling me it's the tank, it's not that small
. Then pretty much it's all %$#^&$^%* after that
My fav.

What's the tank size really matter? Even a 1000 gal is a fraction of the ocean.
(Obviously not understanding there's a difference between say being trapped in a tiny metal cage or a 3000sq ft house)

18. people at LFS know nothing..they are always wrong
19. people at LFS are 'gods'..they sold me this medicine that if perfectly safe for everything I want to keep alive in my tank but will kill every evil thing in my tank.
19. If it is sick..ask Beth (true)
20. If it is electyrical..ask SCSI (true)
21. If it DYI acrylic..see melevsreef (true)
22. If you are frustrated and mad at the world..blame/flame Joe

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc

18. people at LFS know nothing..they are always wrong
19. people at LFS are 'gods'..they sold me this medicine that if perfectly safe for everything I want to keep alive in my tank but will kill every evil thing in my tank.
19. If it is sick..ask Beth (true)
20. If it is electyrical..ask SCSI (true)
21. If it DYI acrylic..see melevsreef (true)
22. If you are frustrated and mad at the world..blame/flame Joe
22. If you are frustrated and mad at the world..blame/flame Joe
I was actually starting to feel slighted,
then I read #22 Flame on


New Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I remember it as a ne MONEY!!

But I think this is in the wrong thread...

hehe how bout "an enemy" as in fish that hate each other haha if you can say anemone 10 times fast you've either had one and had to tell everyone how to say it or killed one.