What is a good first Anemone


I have a 125g reef tank with 2 250 w halides, I currenlt have 2 lovely clown fish a kole tang and a yellow tang plus 2 clearner shrimp. I was thinking it would be nice to try to give my clowns an anemone to host in. I have xenia and green star polyps, plus an acro frag and a small leather. Everything is doing good, though I am still battling with my calcium.
So what anemone would be a good start for me? Any sugestions? I was thinking a carpet or bubble tip.


Just to be sure what type of clownfish do you have?
I have enjoyed a certain amount of sucess with bubble tips, and If you choose a BTA or RBTA then I would try to look for a tank raised one for sure. Carpets pack a much stronger sting and if you don't want him crawling around your tank stinging other corals then I might not get one. Not to mention a carpet might eat some of your fish.
Let us know what you decide.

bang guy

I agree totally with Thomas. I also think RBTA are even easier that other BTA's. Start with a Hobbiest Propogated RBTA IMO.


Thanks all! I got a beautiful BTA. I think it might be an RBTA, but I'm not exatcly sure what the R is for. It's a rose color and the ends are greenish. It's doing very well, I took a considerable amount of time to acclimate it and although it has changed spots like 5 times, it is open and looks to be doing well.
To answer your question about my clowns. I have 4 clownfish, 2 are large false percs that I've had for a while and the other 2 are tiny baby percs. The big false percs don't really seem to be interested in the BTA, but the small ones seem to really like it, though they don't stay in it for long.
I was wondering if there are any signs I need to look for, in case things start going south. I figure any of you who have had a BTA could tell me what to keep an eye out for. I am so happy its doing so well, I have always wanted one, but I have always been so scared that they would just die as soon as I put one in my tank.



Originally posted by causeidm
I'm not exatcly sure what the R is for. It's a rose color

You just answered what the "R" is for. LOL


I thought it might be, but I wan't sure. I don't think its an RBTA though. After looking it up and reading, they should be all red and mine is more of a deep red-purple with green at the very tip.