what is a jaw fish


It looks kinda like a firefish with a bigger jaw :) Not sure how big they get but they require deep substrate for them to create their "home".


Jawfish are cool. I just had a question. My jawfish doesn't want to eat very much at all. I have a hard time feeding him. I feed him mysis shrimp and flake sometimes, but I have to get past the 2 shrimp and the serpent first. Its very hard to feed him it seems. The serpent star even invaded the jawfishes hole one day. Maybe I need a bigger tank. Hopefully he will be ok since he has a enormous hole dug in the crushed coral underneath a huge piece of LR.


Jawfish, or Opistognathids, (belonging to family Opisthognathidae ), are mouthbreeding bottom dwellers that enjoy digging tunnels. There are about 60 species that are currently known of.
My personal favorite is the Opisthognatus aurifrons
, the Yellow-Headed Jawfish. Most people like the Opisthognathus rosenblatti
, the Blue-Spot Jawfish.