what is a "Q word tank" ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
yea but when he starts getting big im going to sell him to the petstore and what is dt??? so then i should just do it in the tank hes in now?
DT is "display tank".
Yes, you should perform hyposalinity in the display tank.
Just so you know, the two tangs you have are stressed and probably will not live very long in such a small tank. I am not going to argue about the tangs though. They're your fish. Obviously, you have your own opinion on the issue if you have not one, but two tangs, in such a small environment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
yea but when he starts getting big im going to sell him to the petstore and what is dt??? so then i should just do it in the tank hes in now?
DT=Display Tank..
selling them when they get bigger is good intentions..Where to Good intentions pave to???
The added stress might make the fish sick all the time and end up with a super Ich battle..


Active Member
The DT is display tank. When he gets to big is now. Both tangs would never last in a 29. I have a 29 and that is just mean. I would make plans to take both tangs out now or they will get very sick and die soon.


Active Member
Hold on - let's get facts straight. The fish do not have ich because they are in a smaller tank. They might get ich no matter where they were because they were not quarantined properly and they were carrying or were introduced to the parasite. Once treated with the correct procedure and future fish are quarantined properly, ich will not return. However, keeping such fish in a smaller tank can lead to environmental conditions such as lymph.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Hold on - let's get facts straight. The fish do not have ich because they are in a smaller tank. They might get ich no matter where they were because they were not quarantined properly and they were carrying or were introduced to the parasite. Once treated with the correct procedure and future fish are quarantined properly, ich will not return. However, keeping such fish in a smaller tank can lead to environmental conditions such as lymph.

whats lymph


Active Member
Yes. The fish cant just get ick if quarentined properly. When he bought the fish it may not of had it. The fish is more suceptible to it in a smaller stressed out tank. Meds isnt what you need you need to do hypo to the tank.


i think you should have read and researched b-4 you even bought a fish 2 tangs in a 29 THATS CRAZY i suggest you return your fish asap and start over by learning about this hobby!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Yes. The fish cant just get ick if quarentined properly. When he bought the fish it may not of had it. The fish is more suceptible to it in a smaller stressed out tank. Meds isnt what you need you need to do hypo to the tank.
Absolutely. A $20 ich medication will do nothing unless the bottle says "Copper" (Cupramine) and you have a copper test kit and use the medication properly by keeping the copper at the proper level for the necessary time.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Absolutely. A $20 ich medication will do nothing unless the bottle says "Copper" (Cupramine) and you have a copper test kit and use the medication properly by keeping the copper at the proper level for the necessary time.

i did get copper thats what it is so im good then?


Active Member
What type of copper? Do you have a copper test kit?
Do you ever plan to put any live rock, inverts, or coral in this 29 gallon aquarium? If so, the copper cannot be used in it.


Active Member
Copper, if not used correctly can easily kill a tank. Inverts and corals cannot take any of it., live rock will die and cause a cycle. If you dont have Live rock or inverts how is your tank clean?


Active Member
I QT my fish the only time I ever had ick and treated with Malachite Green...Seemed to work...Would not add it to the tank though..


i have none of those thing u mentioned and the copper is sea cure standardized copper med for marine aquariums effective against amyloodinium and cryptocaryon whatever that is i just got it off the bottle


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Copper, if not used correctly can easily kill a tank.
The same can be said for hyposalinity. If not done with a refractometer, hyposalinity is largely ineffective. I would put money on the fact that this user does not have a refractometer.
Inverts and corals cannot take any of it., live rock will die and cause a cycle.
None of which this poster has in his aquarium.
If you dont have Live rock or inverts how is your tank clean?
Several people keep "fish only" tanks (meaning without live rock or inverts). Surely it is much harder and much more work, but is certainly doable with the right fish and husbandry. As I said though, it is virtually impossible to keep tangs without live rock (since they are a foraging fish who pick all day).


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Copper, if not used correctly can easily kill a tank. Inverts and corals cannot take any of it., live rock will die and cause a cycle. If you dont have Live rock or inverts how is your tank clean?

i have no idea my pet store didnt say i had to get them so u think i shout get them after i kill the ick?