What is going on with my clownfish(percula)


New Member
I have a 45 gallon tank, I've had it up for about six months. And I've had my clown fish for about four months. My question is that they shake sometimes violently, like they are having a stroke or something. what is that and is it normal? Also another question is Out of the two clown fish, one is bigger than the other. Well the larger on stays in the anenome and the other smaller clown fish stays hidden in the rocks. If the smaller one comes out of the rocks the larger one attacks it. Is this normal? I'd really appreciate any advice, thanks:help:

agent 14

is the smaller one shakin near the big one......if so they are bout to breed but im not sure on that you might want to do more research or ask BANG GUY.......but the small one is the male and the big one is female.....my clowns did the same thing before they died
but i was also told it was a sign of submission to the female
and give them time to become a pair when they do the small one will be aloud to come in the anemone but if the big draws blood be ready to remove it


New Member
Agent 14, Yes the smaller one generally starts shaking near the big one. But then the big one will shake after the smaller one shakes. Sorry for not getting right back to you. Thank you and anyone else for the advice.:thinking:


doesnt mean they'll leg eggs its like a courtship dance into becoming mates, not that they wont lay eggs thats is possible but it could be from a few weeks to a year ar two depending on their age

bang guy

I don't know for sure but I believe the shaking is just the male demonstrating that the female is still dominant. I think this behavior prevents the male from becomming female.


New Member
Thank you all very much, you all give very good advice, and I appreciate it, I'm just happy their not dying:happyfish


My clowns do this when they get near the goby--LOL...I doubt they're interested in becoming a pair, so I take it this is just a sign of submission?