Tank has been setup since February 27th and My cycle has completed and diatom bloom is going away. It is a 65 gallon that is a work in process. I currently have 21 lbs of live rock and 80 lbs of Live Sand. I have 2 Emerald Crabs, 2 Zebra Turbo Snails, 7 Sand Sifting Snails, 10 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs, and one Ocellaris Clownfish. I am feeding once a day and only as much as the Clown will eat. Not getting alot of food hitting the bottom so pretty sure this is not the problem with the algae.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.4
Salinty 29
SG 1.022
This stuff is growing on my Sand behind the live rock and on the sides. Not sure what it is and how to get rid of it. Seems to a hairy type algae. Not seeing any bubbles on it. Any advice on what this stuff is and how to get rid of it I would appreciate it.
I am using a Marineland HOB filter 330 GPH, Koralia 2 pump 600 GPH along with 2 more Power heads in the upper right corners for surface aggitation.
Also I am in the process of building a sump with fuge for this tank. I know this will help out alot with my algae in the DT. So hopefully in the next few weeks I can get this up and running.
I hope I posted everything you guys need to help me out with this problem. If there is anything else you guys need just let me know and I will post it.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.4
Salinty 29
SG 1.022
This stuff is growing on my Sand behind the live rock and on the sides. Not sure what it is and how to get rid of it. Seems to a hairy type algae. Not seeing any bubbles on it. Any advice on what this stuff is and how to get rid of it I would appreciate it.
I am using a Marineland HOB filter 330 GPH, Koralia 2 pump 600 GPH along with 2 more Power heads in the upper right corners for surface aggitation.
Also I am in the process of building a sump with fuge for this tank. I know this will help out alot with my algae in the DT. So hopefully in the next few weeks I can get this up and running.
I hope I posted everything you guys need to help me out with this problem. If there is anything else you guys need just let me know and I will post it.