What is Kalk?


If Heard A Lot Of PPL Mention Kalk I Was Juss Wondering What It Is,.....And If It Would Be Needed In Ma FOWLR n Some INVERTS!


Kalk is a product to drip in to the tank to stabilize ph and calcium. It helps maintain these levels. It is not needed in a fish only tank because there is no real requirement for calcium. This is for reef tanks.


Kalk is short for kalkwasser which means "lime water" in German. The product is calcium hydroxide. You can use the stuff from your LFS for about $10 per lb. You can also use pickling lime for about $2 per lb. Some people with huge systems use construction grade lime because it's real cheap. Pickling lime is the best choice, IMO. As far as why people use kalk, you can do a search & find some really good threads that explain the chemistry, application, etc.

bang guy

Kalk = Lime = Calcium hydroxide or Calcium oxide.
It's useful for adding 2 parts Carbonate for every 1 part Calcium. This is the exact ratio Corals use Carbonate and Calcium to build their structural support.