what is recomended to use to cycle ur tank


Active Member
Ok, i understand.
I would like to point out that this isn't a rush rush hobby. I wouldn't rush anything else. I see you needed to rush it because you bought fish, but you should have waited for the tank to cycle.


its all about prefrence and i prefered to do as i did. if you have the money why not pay alittle more to speed things up.but its all done now i have what i want.
your right if you have the money why not treat the animal like crap, and expose it to stressful environments. because thats what you want!


I am relatively new to the site as I have not posted or visited in a while since I was out of the saltwater hobby but I agree that you should never rush anything. You were asking for advice and then, when given to you, you get defensive that some people have different opinions than you. I am happy that you have the money and the enthusiasm to rush things but please think of the lives lost while you were rushing. There is no need to kill fishes just for the sake of having something right away. If you have the cash, then it is so much sweeter to wait and get the exact fish you know will live in your tank for a long while.
On another note, very good luck with your current fishes and I hope they all reach their full potential in your tank.


its not all about the money and stressful situation i actually had some of the other fish already in that same tank the only difference is that i got ride of the sharks so i can have more triggers and i drain the tank so i can put a new stand on and as far as rushing it was not a new tank all together it was new water with old bio balls and rocks, and as far as me getting defensive it all has to do with people assuming what my intensions were they were not to harm the fish they were to get the fish and add them to my beautiful display
. But i thank all for the input but some of ya'll have no idea what i was thinking and what i plans were, and yeah it is better to wait on things to happen but we can always do thing to speed the process up in a safe manner


Active Member
Originally Posted by BIGMAN
its not all about the money and stressful situation i actually had some of the other fish already in that same tank the only difference is that i got ride of the sharks so i can have more triggers and i drain the tank so i can put a new stand on and as far as rushing it was not a new tank all together it was new water with old bio balls and rocks, and as far as me getting defensive it all has to do with people assuming what my intensions were they were not to harm the fish they were to get the fish and add them to my beautiful display
. But i thank all for the input but some of ya'll have no idea what i was thinking and what i plans were, and yeah it is better to wait on things to happen but we can always do thing to speed the process up in a safe manner

Its not about money? Why did you bring up money? I don't think anyone cares if you do or don't have any money.
Ok, not flaming.
The only point is....you should always wait for a tank to cycle before adding fish. It isn't good practice to say this is ok because of the situation. you should have waited. I doubt very many people will say you should start stocking a tank without making sure it is cycled. Its just a waste of money, doesn't matter if you have it to spend or not....not to mention the thought of killing fish because of bad husbandry.
Yes, we don't know your intensions, or plans...or thoughts. Its a message board, for all you know i'm screaming....but i'm not.


Originally Posted by larryndana
Its not about money? Why did you bring up money? I don't think anyone cares if you do or don't have any money.
Ok, not flaming.
The only point is....you should always wait for a tank to cycle before adding fish. It isn't good practice to say this is ok because of the situation. you should have waited. I doubt very many people will say you should start stocking a tank without making sure it is cycled. Its just a waste of money, doesn't matter if you have it to spend or not....not to mention the thought of killing fish because of bad husbandry.
Yes, we don't know your intensions, or plans...or thoughts. Its a message board, for all you know i'm screaming....but i'm not.
You do things your way i do things my way. so that is that and if you are screaming
it does not matter to me. just like what you have to say its not like its gonna change the way i do things.Its not like there is a written book / rule on how long one should wait until they put fish in there tank or wait until it gets cycled. all advice is recommend not proven law.


Active Member
yeah it is better to wait on things to happen but we can always do thing to speed the process up in a safe manner
The issue here is that you don't seem to be considering the safe manner, but the quick manner. If there was a safe quick manner then we would all be doing it because we don't like having to wait a month and a half to add fish to a tank, but we do because that is how we end up with a healthy display in a way that shows we are conscious that fish have nerve ending too and when we add them into a tank full of poisen it is slowly killing them.
No, there aren't proven laws but there are guidelines that many of us follow because they are what has been found to work the best over the years.


let me ask a question do you guys eat fish? cause by the way you talk you can swear you all dont eat meat or fish. Im not saying its cool if a fish dies but come on its not the end of the world . people eat fish on a daily basis and if i did not care about my fish i would not add any chemicals to help with the stress and posion levels in the tank, i think ya'll are taking things to left field. But anyway like i said read the questions before ya'll start to reply no one asked for any of the other thing that people added. the question was "what is people using now days to cycle there tank" not how long should i wait until i add fish or whatever ya'll putting. but thanks anyways.


Active Member
I do eat fish...I'm trying to ween myself off though. I don't eat meat anymore, but it's more for environmental reasons than animal cruelty reasons. But the fish I eat aren't put in a vat of poison until they die, their heads are probably chopped off (quick and easy). I'm done having this pointless conversation, but it just seems that you are going down an irresponsible and juvenile path in the way you approach and responsed to people that are trying to help you...


hey death is death there is no way around it and if you dont like what i have to say dont reply.
or read.


Originally Posted by BIGMAN
hey death is death there is no way around it and if you dont like what i have to say dont reply.
or read.

one way around it in this case is being a little more patient


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
one way around it in this case is being a little more patient

What are YOU talking about i was refering to the comment the last person made about fish dying slow or getting there heads choped off its still death, and being patient is not always gonna promise a fish will live . :notsure: So ur saying being patient is going to stop another fish from killing another. lol Thats what i thought, Try again later buddy.


Active Member
lets all just accept 3 simple truths.
1) bigman already cycled his tank with triggers, and some have died... but it already happened so we cant change it
2) cycling a tank with a fish is plain and simple trying to rush something that shouldnt be rushed
3) The chems that say "will help cycle faster" dont work. the best way to cycle a tank is just to get live rock and put in dead shrimp til it festers. then let the amm rise then the nitrite then the trate etc...


hey you do it your way i do it my way shrimp or fish it does not matter, and like i stated before i had totally forgot about cycling a tank since it was awhile since i had done so. but all is well now. thankyou :jumping:


and i did have live rock and srhimp i just wanted more. but you know alot and have done alot with a 12g tank.
my daughter has one bigger than that in her room and she is 8 and treats it herself. anyone can do that.


Originally Posted by BIGMAN
and i did have live rock and srhimp i just wanted more. but you know alot and have done alot with a 12g tank.
my daughter has one bigger than that in her room and she is 8 and treats it herself. anyone can do that.

I seriously doubt it. Also a smaller tank is harder to maintain than a larger tank.


Originally Posted by Johnbob
I seriously doubt it. Also a smaller tank is harder to maintain than a larger tank.
when i was 8 i maintained my 29 gallon that was like 3 years ago though