what is recomended to use to cycle ur tank


Active Member
i don't think you are here to take advice, but to slam people for their opinions and advice.
Just because you don't like what someone suggests doesn't mean you should try and offend them.
don't ask for advice if you don't want to hear all sides of the issue.
I believe this thread has run its course. :happyfish


Originally Posted by BIGMAN
hey you do it your way i do it my way shrimp or fish it does not matter
It really does matter... the shrimp is already dead and the fish is alive and being put through high ammonia spikes which chemically burns them inside and out... torture. Not trying to go PITA, but I just don't seem to understand how people don't think fish feel pain... or are just too heartless to care :notsure:


One other question ? Where do you keep a 350 gallon tank, it sounds awesome, love 2 see some pics of this thing.


Originally Posted by larryndana
i don't think you are here to take advice, but to slam people for their opinions and advice.
Just because you don't like what someone suggests doesn't mean you should try and offend them.
don't ask for advice if you don't want to hear all sides of the issue.
I believe this thread has run its course. :happyfish
honestly i dont have a problem with advise as long as i ask for it . Ibelieve im too old now to have someone tell me what to do , but if some people give advise weather i agree with it or not i can handle it, i just dont like people trying to tell me WHAT to do! And most of ya'll are missing the question ,i did not ask what ya'll thought about this or that i just asked whats new on the market or whats being used to cycle a tank. but thanks anyways.
My tank is cycled now so whats done is done there is nothing i or you can do to change it. I must learn from my mistakes and the mistake i made was forgetting to cycle my tank first i do agree with that but at the time it was to late i already had the fish. and there is a no refund policy. After not having to cycle a tank within the past 3 years i treated it like a water change and shortly after realized that i had just drained my tank
. If you read the first few threads by me i admit to that and now that i have said it again i dont see the problem with it. i mean would i do it again
not by choice . I dont wanna put any animal throught pain nor do i wanna spend acouple hundred dollars again and not have anything to show for it. so that is over with now all fish are healthy and happy. and if this thread has run its course dont reply.And i wish all ya'll good luck with your tanks god knows we all need it. You guys win


Originally Posted by WEBER518
One other question ? Where do you keep a 350 gallon tank, it sounds awesome, love 2 see some pics of this thing.
i will soon have pics. Ive been trying to post some but the files are to big. Im gonna have my wife make the files smaller thats not my cup of tea. But i will keep you guys posted. Do you know how to post video, my friend fastazzr1 wantsto post video so he and i can show our tanks .


thanks i see you were looking for a light, always get the best or the biggest so that way when you wanna up grade its not coasting you double.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BIGMAN
thanks i see you were looking for a light, always get the best or the biggest so that way when you wanna up grade its not coasting you double.