what is the best powerhead for me


i need to buy a couple new powerheads and was looking for some input on what the best option would be for a 75g. been fighting cyno for a few weeks now and hope a couple good powerheads will help.


Active Member
Brand isn't really as important as output. For a tank your size, you may want something like a couple of Maxi-Jet 1200s or bigger. As for fighting cyano... Now that it's there, your best bet is probably Chemiclean.


New Member
Tunze nano's and hydor koralia's may also be options for you, however both cost more than a maxi-jet (tunze in price, koralia in size)
I personally am saving up for some tunze's as the koralia model 4's are too big IMO.
If you are concerned with hydro usage a maxi-jet 900 is a better choice than a 1200 . a 900 uses 9.9v and a 1200 uses 20v and the GPH is within 65 gallons of each other.
Hope this helps a bit

freaky's reef

New Member
I too like the Maxijet 1200 good flow and I figure everything with a 15-20% loss. I have 3MJ1200's in my 90 seem to get great flow. I also use a rotating head on my pumps to get better water movement.


i like the koralia...for you i would do 2 of the model 3's they are not that big but put out 850gph....i put 1 model 4 in my 90 and i am happy so now i have 3 left... i bought 2 of the model 3's and 2 of the model 4's


I heard something about the koralia being recalled, is this true. I'm thinking about getting one simply because I like the magnet designed. My maxi-jet keeps falling off the glass and it's really noisy. How are these for noise? I only have a 37gallon so even the level 1 (400gph) is pretty powerful for my tank and I prefer to have 2 to prevent dead spots. 800 gph seems pretty high for a 37g tho doesn't it?
Any ideas on how to quiet a maxi-jet 900 and keep it from coming coming off the glass and sending my sand all over the place?


800 gph seems pretty high for a 37g tho doesn't it?
Its about 21 x turnover, For reef you want more than 20x, and it doesn't hurt fish only. Sounds perfect!


800 gph seems pretty high for a 37g tho doesn't it?
Its about 21 x turnover, For reef you want more than 20x, and it doesn't hurt fish only. Sounds perfect!


i found the dimensions of the model 3 koralia's and ordered two for 35 a piece, anyone else tried these?


Originally Posted by corw
i found the dimensions of the model 3 koralia's and ordered two for 35 a piece, anyone else tried these?
Where did you find them available?


New Member
are they safe for anenome's? I have a haitian pink tip that likes to move around a lot who recently was almost sucked up in the filter intake. I also have a BTA and was wondering if this was safe? Any modifications needed to protect the intake? It looks like a miniature fan but for water not air.