What is the largest fish I can add to my 55g

Hi, I'm looking to add a new fish to my tank. It has to be reef and invert safe. I want color and size with this one. I've got a clown, skunkback psuedo(which a guy is suppose to be picking up cause he is so mean). Thats it. My six-line was sucked into my powerhead and gave my damsel back.


In terms of size, I wouldn't suggest anything that grows over 3"-4" max. Gobies, blennies, wrasses, maybe a dwarf angel (coral beauty or flame).


Originally Posted by Kube
flame angel or a coral beauty, any of the dwarf angels have that eye popping color

Keep in mind that some flame and coral beauty's will eat corals...Mine DO NOT, but some do...
How about firefish, bicolor blennie, clown gobies...etc
well,, I had a wrasse... and I don't like going down the same road twice! lol
Its my fault it died, but still, something to do with luck! I want a sandsifting goby, but I don't want to deal with cleaning the corals off. And a bleenie,,, Whats the coolest one? I like personality, obviously wouldn't be going for color with it.
The Flame and Coral Beauty.... If introduced at the sametime, could they work? Cause I've been lookin at them, and I personnally like the flame, but my daughter wants the purple! W/E!!!!
What would be a good wrasse with personality and color? Not a $100.00 fish, but reasonable! No six-line!


IDK about Wrasse's...I have a coral beauty and flame and they do not mess with each other, BUT my tank is a 225g..don't know how they would be in a smaller tank
A bicolor blennie is neat...and so is a lawnmower blennie...you don't need color with them..just their unique personalities are enough


i'm not telling you it will work.....but i do have both in my 55g (flame & coral) been in there for about 6 months now and they have never bothered each other yet. Got a 125 ready to go for when I move to my new house in May so they will have a bigger home before they get two big.

oh yeah i didn't even introduce them at the same time had the flame first for a month, then got the coral he was a little bigger than the flame at the time


marine bettas are quite large but do not use a lot of swimming space. ive seen them recommended for 30-50g tanks.
Wait a minute! there is a saltwater betta? I've never even looked at Bettas, I thought they were just some counter-top vase fish. And I thought they had to be by themselves? I'm gonna look! thanks.
Is there a sandsifting goby that stays pretty close to the bottom?