I have an 8 yr old Mandarin Dragonette. My oldest fish. In the past I had a Percula for 15 years. It wasn't tank raised so I don't know how old it was when I got it. The rest of my fish are 3 - 4 years old.
I still have the first fish I bought for Saltwater a false perc. The rest of my current fish I have all had for between 14mo - 26mo. Prior to that I went through alot of fish due to ignorance.
I have a striped damsel which was my first SW fish- nearly 8 years. Poor thing has been the subject of some rather steep learning curves that cost the lives of others. I even moved him from Virginia to Texas with me in his own little cooler. And now the little b***ard bites me every time I am in 'his' tank. Gratitude. Guess it is payback for the early years
So far, we've had the clown for 3yrs (she was added shortly after the tank cycled). there is damsel that is older than that, but we've only had him a few months. no clue how old he is,
only been doing this for about 7 months on freshwater and coming on 5 months for saltwater, so far mostly everone is still alive except one maroon clownfish
Our tank has been up for about 5 months...the only originals are a large marroon clown,snowflake eel,two cc starfish,horseshoe crabs,some snails and hermit crabs. Sadly all others have died or were killed by others in the tank....... ...