what is the most aggressive


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishnerd
I meant to say "sw55galma" I am not attacking you...

No No, I love to be corrected.....especially in a constructive and fact supporting way.
I was going to post something about...they prolly do prey on the smaller ones...
Thanks again


hey guys speaking of titan triggers do any of you know if this is a titan.... i just bought him to live buy himself in a tank......i was told he was i dont really know........he could
a yellow margin....but im just not sure help me out......i hope i am not stealling any ones thread........ill post my own just in case



Active Member
if your looking for something smaller and just as mean try a lunear wrasse between that and my niger trigger my hands dont go near the inside of my tank without a net on them to prevent bites.they will attack anything that wasnt there before them


Active Member
Octopuss . They are mean and strong and have 8 legs to grab their prey with and will eat almost anything. But I DO NOT sugest you get one . As it seams that your not experianced enough to keep one happy.


undulated trigs are mean pricks.
but wobbegongs are also very aggressive. there was a story about one latching itself to a guys leg and he had to drag himself to his car and drive to teh hospital and the thing never let go the whole time.
and ive seen pics of big titan triggers and i would not want to go diving anywhere near them. they have a reputation for biting divers and have some pretty big teeth to get it done


inch for inch,
titans and queens are mean too, and because they get twice the size they can cause more damage. same goes for sharks, eels, and octopus.
the nasties of nasties ive ever seen was a Green Eel, about 7 feet long. I thought it was going to break the glass.


Active Member
queen or undalate trigger definitely or a great white in a tank big enough with it's favorite fish to eat bleeding to death with water that is filled with blood