What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?


I let my kids name my fish and here is what they came up with.Quite amusing actually.
Brittle Starfish- Patrick (from Spongebob)
Porcupine Puffer- named ET (he looks like ET)
Two 3 stripe damsels- Dennis and Molly
Two false percs- Jack and Jill
Lawnmower Blenny- Arnold
So those are my fishes names.


Active Member
2 False Percs - Nick & Nora - Nick & Nora Charles from the Thin Man 30's movies
Sixline Wrasse - Stimpy because he is crazy
Firefish - Sparkey
Royal Gramma - Agu - When my son was a baby, he couldn't say Grandma, he said Agu
Sally Lightfoot - Sally
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Jacques from Nemo
Brittlestar - Clark - Not sure why, looks like a Clark.
I like naming fish, it makes them more like pets.


domino dot damsel- dot
three stripe damsel=white house black market, my wife named it
royal dotty back-

, my brother is obsessed with


.... Its hot pink, skinny and pretty so it fit.
my snow flake eel -eelvis
Flame hawk fish- flames or flamer
eelvis is my favorite name, when we were thinking of names for him that one came up and we all started laughing so it stuck.
Naming them definitelty makes them more important. Because no longer do you think, the fish died, the fish are hungry, or the fish is sick..... you think " eelvis has to be fed today, or dot didnt look like she was feeling good today

keith burn

Active Member
I know if a rock is moved we say i gess Queenie did not like it.
My sun named one of my fish potato he looks like a potato chip lol.
Originally Posted by jpc763
2 False Percs - Nick & Nora - Nick & Nora Charles from the Thin Man 30's movies
Sixline Wrasse - Stimpy because he is crazy
Firefish - Sparkey
Royal Gramma - Agu - When my son was a baby, he couldn't say Grandma, he said Agu
Sally Lightfoot - Sally
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Jacques from Nemo
Brittlestar - Clark - Not sure why, looks like a Clark.
I like naming fish, it makes them more like pets.
Hope your SLF is a girl! Mine's a boy...his name is Sal


don't name my fish cause it jinx's my fish. everytime i actually name a fish it dies. as soon as i stopped naming them, they stopped dieing. i'm goin on 3 years without a death.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by anthropo
3 years without a death.
Just do not tell the fish the name. lol and good job 3y is sweet


Active Member
Originally Posted by anthropo
don't name my fish cause it jinx's my fish. everytime i actually name a fish it dies. as soon as i stopped naming them, they stopped dieing.
same here, lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
same here, lol
Ditto. However, I still have some 'legacy' names:
Spartan (Saddleback Clownfish) Nothing to do with 300, Black & gold were my HS colors.
Otto (Ocel clown) Otto the Orangeman is the mascot for Syracuse University.
Tigress (Ocel clown) Orange and black stripes


New Member
female maroon clown: juicy.
male maroon clown: melmo.
scooter blenny: thing.
royal gramma: crayon.
male coral banded shrimp: cocktail (like shrimp cocktail).
female coral banded shrimp: tartar.

keith burn

Active Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
I have a fat legged hogfish I named Hillary. Just kidding



i dont name my fish either except my two angel fish in my fw that i HAD to name cause i thought it was perfect
one has vertical strips- Sparta
and organic shaped spots- Athens
get it?


Originally Posted by anthropo
don't name my fish cause it jinx's my fish. everytime i actually name a fish it dies. as soon as i stopped naming them, they stopped dieing. i'm goin on 3 years without a death.
I have the opposite luck with all pets. If I don't find a suitable name that fits them then they die by some means, not just fish. I had a puppy that I couldn't find a name for, he died, fell into a well of all things
. I couldn't find a name for my goby and he jumped. Every pet that I have named has lived a happy life. It has to be the right name though, I know it sounds silly. It seems that way with my pets though. I tried so hard to find the right name for that puppy and none seemed to fit him. Same with the goby. My other pet's names just sort of came to me and they all fit the pet, including scorpious the scorpion.

keith burn

Active Member
This is a pic of my wife's fish, Warrick
She named him that because he (a golden domino) reminds her of a casino in Vegas, and she likes the "Warrick" character on CSI in Las Vegas.
Wack job i Know...



Active Member
Originally Posted by anthropo
don't name my fish cause it jinx's my fish. everytime i actually name a fish it dies. as soon as i stopped naming them, they stopped dieing. i'm goin on 3 years without a death.
I had that problem with cars. When I was 19 I bought a Chevy Chevette and thought it looked like it had enough personality to deserve a name, and of course it also acted like it...the thing was possessed. Eventually I had to get rid of it and I never named a car again. I don't name anything, really, because of that.


My Green Carpet's name is Maytag, because one day I know he may tag one of my fishies.
Here he is holding his pal