What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?


I bought a Zebra lion. He is a baby. His name is Leo the Lion. My apologies for the fuzziness of the picture. The batteries were dieing on me


The only one I've named is my maroon clown. It's name is "you lousy sob" b/c it won't let me do anything in the tank without attacking me.


blue spotted watchman goby .....king edward aka eddie
tank raised percula clown.....king henry
R.I.P cleaner shrimp....King Louie
All will be named after Kings and Queens. That way if they die, when they get replaced I don't have to think of new names. For example, it'll be King Henry the 2nd etc. lol


Originally Posted by BBB
The only one I've named is my maroon clown. It's name is "you lousy sob" b/c it won't let me do anything in the tank without attacking me.
Hey I had a redlip blenny like that and I named it "you little b*stard" some fish are just evil

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by BBB
The only one I've named is my maroon clown. It's name is "you lousy sob" b/c it won't let me do anything in the tank without attacking me.
I feel your pain...We call my gbm queen bi+++ from he++ she will pull meat off...

Originally Posted by bioneck47

I named my guineafowl p. diddy (as in puff daddy) because he's black and puffs up all the time.

lol puff lol


My girlfriend has taken it on herself to name all my fish so...
3 Clown fish name Sideshow (the one on my avatar), Barnum, and Bailey. (cuz they are clowns?)
My Cleaner Shrimp is Frenchy
And my late Blue Hippo Tang was MegaMan!
2 Firefish are the Mario Bro's


I like "people names" for pets, so...
Sailfin Tang - Travis (just got him last night..not sure if that name is a good fit)
Regal Tang - Little D (husband's name is Donald, and this fish is his
Yellow Tail Damsel - Daniel (I sing the Elton John song to him..Daniel my Damsel.....lol)
Percula Pair - Nemo and Nemo duh!
Bartlett Anthias Trio - Bart, Barbara, and Barbie
Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Diamond Sleeper Goby need names still.


No, nothing really fits them. I'm not going to name them just for the sake of naming them.
Although, I might name the diamond goby Neil. Get it?


Yay! I love this thread!
Lawnmower blenny: Harry Potter (looks like he has hair all over his face)
2 PJ cardinals: Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger
2 firefish gobies: Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
Sailfin tang: Professor Albus Percival Wuflric Brian Dumbledore
Skunk cleaner shrimp: Doby (cuz hes always cleaning!)
Still looking for Voldemort and Snape....


Oh and I was just noticing, how almost everyone gives their cleaner shrimp French names. I almost named mine Pepe Le Pew
We have two clown fish named Nemo1 and Nemo2, but they always hang out together so we just call them "The Nemos"
We then have two blue legged hermit crabs, that we named Original Recipe and Extra Crispy. My mom named them, and I have NO idea why. Thinking about it I dont remember eating KFC any time when we had them, but now I remember I think we had KFC either the day we got them or a few days so who knows.
And thats all I have right now. We are getting an orange diamond goby, so will have to find a name for that one when we get him.
ETA:I completely forgot about our HUGE snail that we named Gigantor (after the name that Owen Wilson calls Ben Stiller in Night at the Museum.)


The kids names for our fish
Royal Gramma = PB&J
4 stripe damsel = Oreo
Watchman Goby = Rocky
Diamond Goby = Crystal
Yellow Tang = Bubbles (kids didnt get too creative on this one)
Sailfin Tang = "Z"
Engineer Goby = Stripes

mot ii

Two clown fish: "Big Mamma" and "Little Baby"
Red stripe angel: "Big Eyes" (because of his big eyes)
Yellow Tang: Tangy
Cleaner wrasse: "eel'ie" (because he looks like a miniature eel)
Fairy wrasse: "Newby" (he's our newest fish)
LTA= "Stumpy" (because he got caught in the filter intake and a lot of his tenacles got damaged...as they are healing they are really small right now.)


3 stripe damsel-michael jackson-obvious reason
spotted hawkfish-spidey dude-reminds me kinda of spiderman
yellowtail damsel-maggie simpson-same color as her
2 false perc's-ren and stimpy-i thought it was just fitting
turbo snail-gary-from spongebob