What is this Disease? (pictures included)


New Member
What is this disease? Help please. A brief info before white spots occurred: I had this tank running about 11 months now with a 2 inch gold bar maroon clownfish and just introduced a 4 inch gold bar maroon clownfish. A day after, my heater stopped working properly and the temperature of the tank jumped from 73 degrees f to 83 degrees f. Is it a disease that occured from the temperature fluctuation or tissues torned?

Help please.


Originally Posted by xiong.s2460.mc
if it is lymphocystis, then I guess there is nothing that I can do but do water changes and feed?
I'm not a fish disease expert, but it does look like lympho to me as well.
My tail spot blenny is currently fighting this. While you can't prevent it or get rid of it, while the fish is showing signs of it, try to give them some extra vitamins in their food.
I feed my blenny two times a day and when he has an outbreak of lympho, I add extra vitamins (Zoecon or Boyd's VitaChem works great) and garlic (Kent's Garlic Extreme). His only lasts about 5 days and then goes away. But it will come back here and there. Just keep him healthy. I've been told that the only way the other fish can get it is if he dies and they eat him
So far no one else has shown any signs of it.


New Member
Quote: "lymphocystis is more like a cauliflower growth this is not the case with your fish and is more likely to be on the tail fin , in early stages looks like ich and again this is not the case , look up oodinium / marine velvet and brooklynella, i would be drawn more to brooklynella, as this normally starts of around the head/ gills in a slime coat" - quoted from someone else online
Could this be brooklynella? First started with the female maroon clown the male has caught it. In addition, the female's infected skin has seem to reveal the inner tissues now.



Active Member
I believe brook is a parasite much like Ich in its appearance. I do not believe you fish have brook.
Here is a fish with broolynella.

Yours looks more like some type of fungus.


Staff member
It is lymphocyctis. And you can follow the suggestions on the topic in the FAQ Thread, top of this forum, which should pretty much resolve the issue.