What is this little critter?


Active Member
Thanks bang...like I said I'm new to this so I always ask first :~}...so your saying I can't introduce a couple clowns to my tank even though there is only one quarter sized aiptasea in the tank?


Active Member
I have another question maybe dumb lol i dont know...I'm gonna attempt to boil water and squirt the anemone...do I take the live rock which the aiptasia is attached to, out of the tank and squirt it or just squirt the little guy while it's still in the tank?


Well-Known Member
Its not a dumb question. You can do either. I took mine out bc it was easy to get too. If its a hard to move piece just leave it in


Active Member
can I expect the anemone to suck back into the rock as soon as it has left the water? Just wondering so If I know I need the boiled water loaded and ready to go :) thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
It looks like a wet spot out of water. I knew where it was and cooked it. It went back in as I hit w the hot water

bang guy

Baby Clownfish can be eaten by an Aiptasia but a full grown Clownfish will quickly learn to avoid them.

If you can take the rock out of the tank easily then hit the Anemone with a blowtorch directly to get rid of it. The boiling water with a turkey baster is just a suggestion for an Anemone still in the water.


Active Member
Thank you guys again...yeah I hit it with the baster with boiling water outside the tank earlier today and it hasn't shown it's face again yet so we'll see