what is this on my clam??


Active Member
can anyone id this for me. ive never seen it before and it looks like its iritating the clam. it looks like its moving but very slowly and it has little tenticles. its the little circle looking thing. its the best pic i can get.



New Member
I would guess some sort of small anenome which is irritating the clams tissue near it. You maybe able to remove it. JMO. Others may have more info.


Active Member
deff not aiptasia ive had a few of them in my tank this looks like its hard like it has a shell or something. i havnt touched it yet but its still on there in the same spot for the last 4-5 hours.


Active Member
could have sworn that aptaisia can move until it finds a home, but am definitely curious as to what it is.


Active Member
oh didnt know that it migrates around ive always seen it appear and never move. this has never been on it before and its moved from 1 side of the clam to the other side within 48 hours


Active Member
oh wow ive never seen them move or i should say dont give them a chance too. im not doughting that its aiptasia but from what ive seen this doesnt look anything like the ones ive had unless there are diff types


It's the exact type i have. Mine like to split. One sorta big one turned into two nice sized ones in a matter of weeks.