what is this on the rock

keith gray

I know this pic is not a good clear one but this thing growing on my rock is in a place that I can not get a good picture. It is to the left and looks like some kind of weed or something. It does not look like any aptasia I have seen before so I just wondered if it something good or bad. I think the other two things on this rock might be sponges any opiniono on these as well is welcome.


aiptasia - do you have any fish that will eat shrimp? I had some of this and added true peppermint shrimp and they ate it within 2 days


I very well could be wrong but it looks like aiptasia to me. I had the same thing a few weeks after I started my 120. I bought 3 (true) peppermint shrimp and it was all gone in a couple of days.

keith gray

The aptasia I have seen in the past does not have the 'furry" looking arms for lack of a better term. The arms extending almost look like seaweed texture. It has been this size since I got this rock. It does not change shape or size it appears.
Any one else have an opinoin ??!!


Active Member
dont look like apasia no trunk .how long has it been there?
what color is it?are there others popping up?
i have some old rock that still keeps popping out new life.
nice sponge on the rock by the way.


Active Member
Do you know where the rock came from?
Looks like a corkscrew anemone to me. Bartholomea annulata

keith gray

I bought this rock at my LFS. I did not think it was aptasia = it has no shaft or trunk so to speak.
I am not familiar with corkscrew anenome. Is this something that is not a pest- there are no more of these in my tank.
Is this OK to leave there ?


Active Member
I don't know much about them. I do know they are a member of the Aiptasiidae family. Also the Curly-Cue Anemone is a carnivore, and will consume fish, mussels, and crustacean meat.

keith gray

If it is aggressive I would hate for it to hurt one of my fish or invertabrates.
DO you think Aptasia- X will kill it ?