What is this thing in my tank??!!!


Ok well on a piece of live rock that came with my corals there is this little spot on the rock with about 20 or so small holes...Every once and a while a little arm(about the size of a thread) reaches out and grabs on to stuff. Inside is something moving around but the holes are too small to see very clearly, looks like it has little legs and stuff..I have also been hearing some clicks in the tank lately, which i have also been trying to locate.The clicks happen every now and then and are pretty loud . they happen wether i am there or not lights are on or off. I first thought a mantis shrimp however nothing is missing or looks injured.
Anyone have any idea about what these things are

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
loud clicking could be a mantis shrimp or a pistol shrimp. id try and locate the click, take the rock out and try get him out. Mantis shrimp will cause lots of problems down the road, killing fish and inverts. Get it out now.


How would i get him out without hurting the Bullseye mushrooms on it.. He (or whatever it is) has a little mini fortress there with only the little holes. THere is something that looks like a little enterance but i dont know..


would the vinegar hurt anything else alive in the tank? I wonder if thats whats been killing my hermits...I've heard noises :eek:


I had similar problem a few months ago. I took a small piece of aqua stick and plugged the hole up. Whatever was in there was eating my star polyps, seems to have stopped now and the polyps are growing over the aqua stick! It didn't cause any problems with water chemistry so you might want to give it a try.
Good luck


What else do you have in your tank? I would not be to hasty on trying top excavate it if you don't know ro sure what it is... if it IS indeed a mantis, then yes, you will most likely want to get it out.
Can you possibly get a photo of it? Might help us to figure out what you could be dealing with....


No i really cant get a pic of it, You really cant see much just a tiny little arm the reaches out of the hole plus just movement in the rock...I tried the kalkwasser thing and it didnt do much just kept reaching out of its hole and stuff..
Any other ideas


I'm having the exact same problem. I too discovered a hitchhiker in my LR that turned out to be a mantis. Every now and then I see him running around, but he is to fast to ketch. I need to get him out before he grows. Right now he is only about 3/4 of an inch long. I hate to rip my tank apart looking for that little ----, but if i don't do something he might start eating my corals. If you guys think off any ideas please post them.


Active Member

Originally posted by jwishy
Relax, this is not a big problem and it actually has a very easy solution. Fill a bucket or bowl with tap water and then place the rock in which the mantis shrimp is living, into the bucket of tapwater. Within seconds the mantis shrimp will leave the rock and then you can place the rock back in your tank. No harm would be caused to your mushrooms or polyps.
Afer you do ths please tell the board how it worked.
cjr579 and tiffster mantis shrimp do not eat corals.

there goes the rocks life and most that is living on it
if you know where the mantis is take out his rock, adn use a turkey baster to squirt carbonated water into his den. I have never heard of one not coming out this way. I have heard of SOME coming out with tap water, but have too heard of some not doing so. In fact, fw is how some places try to eliminate them befroe selling LR and people still get them from those sources.


Active Member
fw dips are hard on any sw life. PERIOD.
And it does not always work for amntis shrimp, in fact it may work 40% of the time. So why risk it??
Club soda on hte other hand, is not good for sw life either, but you are controling the areas and not drenching the whole thing. AND I have never heard of this method not working.
You said it, but I believe as many others that you are backwards as far as th bad or horrible advice given, it seems to be coming from another source here.
It does not take 20 or 30 seconds to kill bacteria either, and that is one of the prime things that we want on our LR.


ATTN: jwishy, I did not say that I had a mantis shrimp, or that it ate my coral, I said I had a "similar problem" ie something strange living in a hole in my live rock. Some thing was eating my polyps and since I plugged the hole up, no problem. That's all.


Thanks for all the options everyone
Sorry to start the little scrap there
I will first try the club soda thing since i just dont like the idea of putting even more stress on the corals and anemone on the rock..
Sorry jwishy but im inclined to agree with fshhub. I am a Biology major granted not a marine biology major but pretty close..Anytime you move any living thing from one extreme that they are used to, to a completly opposite extreme..its bound to be hard on any living thing..Even though the carbonated water will cause some stress its a more localized approach than a dip.
Thanks for all the help..as soon as i find some club soda and try i will get back with the results


jwishy- What is your problem? Why must you attack people? It had/has not been established exactly what is in her rock when I made that post. I was just trying to help! Stop trying to criticize people that's not what this board is here for.


Well the soda thing worked...
There actually were 2 of them
IM not sure but im guessing pistol shrimp
here is a pick of one of em
Thanks again for all the help

Originally posted by tiffster
jwishy- What is your problem? Why must you attack people? It had/has not been established exactly what is in her rock when I made that post. I was just trying to help! Stop trying to criticize people that's not what this board is here for.

I totally agree, jwishy, u criticize people too much.


Active Member

Originally posted by jwishy
fshhub I have read that you recommend 180 gallon tanks to keep sharks.
Great job buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just another reason not to take anything you say seriously.

why don't you elaborate a little more
like the thread asked for the minimum
I noted that a 180 is the least i would consider and taht is for the smallest of the species only. and this is after others said 125 or 80 or something.
180 is the least, for a 2 ft species. this I can back up and not only will I stand behind that one, I will also note that teh marine biologist who helped me get started and A fellow hobyist and shark keeper, who has kept more sharks than sea world. he has tanks ranging in size up to 19,000 (YES 19,000) gallon tanks, and is buildin a 30+,000 gallon he pretty much only has sharks. They all agree that they could be kept in smaller han I reccomended, so go ahead and find some credible resources to quote. You will really lie the taste of shoe leather better with some whipped cream. So, by far if anything, I was being conservative. But, had you known 1/2 what we are seeing, you would have known that epaulettes and banded cat sharks can be kept in fairly small aquariums. I am sure we all realize that there are many species of sharks, and some are no bigger than my hand. Being conservative, actually is good advice, so THANK YOU for the reassurance and PRAISE.
now, back to ther thread, fw dips also kill BACTERIA, PODS AND ALGAE. and I wish, in my 75 gallon, i had a pice of rock that is merely 1 lb!lmfao!!!!SURE, i AM GONNA DIP A $200 ROCK INTO FRESHWATER, OR EVEN A $50
aND, IT IS BEGINING TO LOOK LIKE i KNOW why you are so adimant. And offer such poor advice. I see the source here, are you the jsut an owner or just a bagger? in either case, I see. In fact, one more post like I have been reading, and I would swear that I kn0w your true identity, you act just like another outdated lfs owner I get into this stuff with all the time. And I cannot post here what I call him or think of him eitheer. But outdated, and wrong fist pretty good too.
As for why do your customers keep returning? Well, apparently they dont' know that the reason they need more is b/c of the fact that their corals should have outlived them and should, so they have mroe room for new again. most people who dont know better think keeping a fish or months or a coral for even a yr is a good thing and assume they need to get new every so often. The only reason my one lfs gets returns, is bc I and a few others get people into this hobby. We do not go in for fish, but to bring in new customers. Yes, I did find a lfs I like, jsut bc he listens to me and learned. and because he will follow my instructions on my orders(like to not even open, call me i wil pick it up and acclimate it myself). Even fish, we have a very low mortality rate. Very low. Once stocked, my tanks go for yrs without having to buy new fishes. EXCEPT for a power outage at work(i could not get them to hook up a generator) I have lost so many fish in all the tanks I mentioned(except for the ones at the lfs, whose is also low for a lfs) That I know I could count them on one hand.
I know beginning hobbyists and those who do not know will assume that if a fish lives for 3 months, they did good. This is NOT the case.
ps, I dont give a hoot, if your respond that you have had a lfs and many cusotmers for 85 yrs!!! That does not mean squat! to me, my grand dad has also been able to perform bodily functions for longer, but hey that does not mean he knows what a sphincter is.


Active Member
i almost forgot, I missed that, all your years of experience and you did not know that there were many species of sharks in a vast range of sizes.
sorry, i guess that i did note it b4, please disregard.
Amoung the list of my credentials and ifo are:
Head of marine Biology at a very prestigious university(one known for Marine Sciences)
2 marine bio majors(still in school)
A biologist
3 med students(deans list)
And much more than I care to sit here and type. Although I have no PhD, my intelligence is not lacking.
currently more tanks than most will ever have. And a sincere drive for knowledge in areas that interest me(you cannot give me enough to research in sw). PLUS the fact that I hate being wrong, so I generally reasearch before I will answer something I don't know.
Did you ever pay up for that offer you made about starfish? Or are you still trying to make up excuses for not doing so?


hey jwishy
i thought you were leaving?
i posted that pic didn't i?
please leave...your attitude and advice is childish and unwanted