Aiptasia are Anemone. When Anemone Battle they often call a truce and go seperate ways. When they decide to fight it depends on the species to predict who will win.
Aiptasia ALWAYS win the war against SPS Coral.
I've been able to sucessfully get rid of them by using Joe's Juice. Pretty cheap stuff and it works great!
I first used it in March or April of this year and have only had a few pop up again. One shot stuff...
I have live rock on the way with my luck I am sure its full of aptasia. Since I dont plan to keep corals do I need to care that it is in there? I woudl like to keep a BTA however... will aptasia bother the bta?
Do a search here on them and you will find tons of threads on them.
Every single one I have read the folks were getting rid of them.
They seem to reproduce very well and fast.
So they can become a problem just from sheer numbers stand point.
But if you search you find tons of info!