What is this?


New Member
What is this? I noticed this on my life rock on Friday. It spent most of the weekend "hiding" in live rock. Seems to come out more during the night. The tank has been cycling for about a month now with 20 lbs of life rock in a 46 gallon tank.


Active Member
looks like a mushroomof some kind .. or maybe some type of zoathid .. does it recede into a tube or directly into the rock?


New Member
Let me rephase....it recedes into the rock, but its shape is tubular with an almost dandolion "flowery" top.


Active Member
looks kind of like a bleached rock anemone but then it would be out during the day. see if you can get a better picture. (I know your frustration I just got a camera and I cant take pictures with it that are any good)


New Member
I don't think that's what it is. The "flowery" top almost has what I would call tenticles that look like grains of rice. I honestly can't get a better picture without a wideangle lens.


Active Member
sounds kind of like a zoathid with the "tentacles" .. but it doesn't look like a zoo at all


New Member
I think you're warming up.....although this seems long too.....also I just noticed it Friday....must have been in the tank 3+ weeks!


New Member
I'd say that's pretty close....however it's top is only about the size of a quarter. It's almost translucent.


How large is it? Does it go into a rock or is it more on the surface? It looks like it could be a flower anemone. If so, they have a pretty hefty sting but don't tend to snatch fish. We got a flower anemone with our live rock shipment it's about 3" in diameter. Shrimp and crabs crawl across it's face but it doesn't close up. The serpent star we have touched the outer fringes and you could just hear him shout OUCH! We spot feed it when we feed the rest of the fish and it's doing just fine. Maybe that's what you have?