What is this!?!


Hey guys I'm new to this forum I have a 30 Gallon Saltwater Tank and a 30 Gallon Freshwater Tank. I recently got this rock with these organisms from the pet store. They gave it to me because they didn't know what it was. Please help me out the only thing I think it could be is apiastia. Thank you for your time


Active Member
i dont know but they definately doesnt look like aptasia to me. Maybe tube anenome colony or something:confused:
By the way welcome to the board:D


I have had some of these on my rocks that i have gotten from the LFS and they told me that they were wild anomone and they would reproduce rapidly and take over the tank if they were not removed or eaten. My pepermint shrimp took care of them pretty quick, they seem to like the anomone:D


Active Member

Originally posted by compliance
If I were you I wouldn't take their word on pretty much anything from now on. Not trying to be a jerk. Just that GSP's are one of the most common corals. If they don't know what they are, they probably can't be trusted to give advice on other issues.
My 2 cents - hope you don't take it the wrong way.
When in doubt ask on-line.(like you did)

Ditto and welcome - looks like they are spreading too so another nice bonus for yoU!


Hey guys thanks for your help I guess I made out pretty good. I'll leave them in the tank to see what happens. I have a coral banded shrimp, coral beauty angel, maroon clown, 2 hermits and 3 damsels. Nothing is going to eat the star polyps is there? Also I have a feather duster. What can I feed the polyps, feather duster, and coral beauty angel. Thank you

bang guy

Don't feed the GSP. The duster will appreciate phytoplankton. The Beauty will mostly graze but also enjoy an occational algae sheet and a high quality flake food.


Anyone know how long it will take to form a large colony of these and is there any way I can make it occur faster or help it grow. Also the coral beauty wont eat my flake food