What is your first name?


Active Member
My name is Roo.
you may refer to me by Professor Roo, King Roo, Almighty Roo, President Roo. yep, any of those will work. Oh, and also, doing this >
might help a little too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
mizmy- ive seen you posting in TONS of threads, whats your first name?

Heheh - Mimzy's what they call me on and off the boards! It's short for Miriam

Hope no1 gets offended if I still call them by their screen names... I'm bad enough with names as it is! :scared:
Hey Space geek..... I think I know who u r..... or at least, who you USED to be. If u r who I think u r, I'm glad to see you back doin' the F1shy thang...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Heheh - Mimzy's what they call me on and off the boards! It's short for Miriam

Hope no1 gets offended if I still call them by their screen names... I'm bad enough with names as it is! :scared:
Hey Space geek..... I think I know who u r..... or at least, who you USED to be. If u r who I think u r, I'm glad to see you back doin' the F1shy thang...

Hey Miriam! Would you like me to call you that or Mimzy or "Mimzy Whimzy." And, Mimzy/Miriam/Mimzy Whimzy, who do you think I am? And, yep, still lovin' the "fishy thang."


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
My name is Roo.
you may refer to me by Professor Roo, King Roo, Almighty Roo, President Roo. yep, any of those will work. Oh, and also, doing this >
might help a little too.
Hey Professor Roo, King Roo, Almighty Roo, President Roo!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Hey Miriam! Would you like me to call you that or Mimzy or "Mimzy Whimzy." And, Mimzy/Miriam/Mimzy Whimzy, who do you think I am? And, yep, still lovin' the "fishy thang."
hhhm... don't wanna get you in trouble by posting my guess about your former life on the boards... I kinda hinted at it in my post, if that helps... but I could actually be guessing wrong after all. LoL.
Anyhow, just plain "Mimzy" is fine


Active Member
And it wouldnt matter if I got in trouble, because I would have by now...look what it says underneath Space_Geek.


Active Member
YAY! Oh man I THOUGHT it was you. Ever figure out what happened to kick u off in the 1st place?


Active Member
I think it had something to do with me and Dougai and Treybomb getting mouthy with the mods after they were being weird about the "Biggest Thread Ever" deal. We'd ask nicely why they closed it and they'd delete those threads, and we did that about 10 times, and then we got fed up because they were deleting them with NO answer, and we got mouthy, and well, I got the boot.


Active Member
LoL, oh well. Ya win some, ya loose some

SO glad to know u made it back to us tho...yay!!
(now let's quit being non-sequitor so we dont get BOTH our butts kicked


Active Member
LOL...I am glad to be back, and we'll stop...I'd hate for you to get kicked!! Oh, and BTW, did you notice I am catching up to ya on post numbers??


Active Member
We don't know each other in person or anything, but we have just known each other for a long time on these boards!!


Active Member
Say, Mimzy, how come you haven't done any of your goofy posts yet? I love those! They're HILARIOUS!!
(remember Walter?)


Active Member
close in post number!

oh, and let us keep in mind that walter is mine, and always has been.
Now let us stop this silly rubish, and HELP PEOPLE!