What is your first name?


Active Member
i've been here around 6 months, I'd say...long time before that i was just kinda lurking and didnt join. But Space has WAY more posts than me - but most of them are under his older name.
...as for goofy posts - check out Murph's latest thread in the photography section, something about showing pics of his 100 gallon. It gets


Active Member
Yeah, I can't remember how many posts I had on my pitbull account. Let me check. It lets me log in-SOMETIMES, under that account, but it won't let me post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
close in post number!

oh, and let us keep in mind that walter is mine, and always has been.
Now let us stop this silly rubish, and HELP PEOPLE!
We went through this! Big Red belongs to Jenn, Walter is mine. (I even went through the adoption papers)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
i've been here around 6 months, I'd say...long time before that i was just kinda lurking and didnt join. But Space has WAY more posts than me - but most of them are under his older name.
...as for goofy posts - check out Murph's latest thread in the photography section, something about showing pics of his 100 gallon. It gets
I saw it. I was following it all morning as it was happening. I didn't want to ruin it though, Mimzy I want to go to your school of whatever. TEACH ME HOW TO SPEAK MIMZY TALK!


not my real name but thats what evryone calls me because i supposedly look like the jack from crocodile dundy. My pics on murphs thread and pic of yourself thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
not my real name but thats what evryone calls me because i supposedly look like the jack from crocodile dundy. My pics on murphs thread and pic of yourself thread.
Whats your REAL name? I will check those threads out...


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
My name is Roo.
you may refer to me by Professor Roo, King Roo, Almighty Roo, President Roo. yep, any of those will work. Oh, and also, doing this >
might help a little too.
or kangaROO


Active Member
no my aim name is NOT rooissmrt, and if you try, you will not get me, so don't try, whatever you do, or you might meet someone wierd(er than me)!