What is your first name?


Active Member
henry here and i'm not an 8th. it's more like the 29th, all the way back too many generations to research so far. we're looking, but haven't found out how many consecutive henry's there are in my line.
surprisingly the name is making a comeback around here.
great thread btw! it should be a sticky if not for the post stealers


Active Member
Originally Posted by maeistero
henry here and i'm not an 8th. it's more like the 29th, all the way back too many generations to research so far. we're looking, but haven't found out how many consecutive henry's there are in my line.
surprisingly the name is making a comeback around here.
great thread btw! it should be a sticky
Howdy Henry!
I also thought this thread was a good idea; so I made it!
Hopefully, more people will soon join in!

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Is it in or out of the sump? Keep an eye on it, the external ones CAN be fire hazards. Yes, they do run hot, but they shouldnt be so hot that you cant leave your finger on it for 15 seconds. It should just be warm. If it IS that hot, unplug it, and call your LFS in the morning.
You never owned a Little Giant pump obviously. they run hotter than hell. Puffer (see I forgot your name already)do you have a fan you could aim at your pump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
You never owned a Little Giant pump obviously. they run hotter than hell. Puffer (see I forgot your name already)do you have a fan you could aim at your pump?
I have never owned one, just telling him all that I KNOW.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfer11
It just wont does that little code at the end have to be capitol letters like it was
I have no idea..sorry!


Active Member
Yep I do! But I have it on the computer that isnt hooked up right now, so I wont be on it for a couple of days. It had a virus, its in the store getting fixed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
what will the fan do, though and will it be ok without one
The fan will cool it down, DUH! LOL! And I would do it...I dont htink its worth the risk. It MAY be okay without it, but I would feel better if it were my tank to have a fan blowing air at it.


Active Member
Not really. I know a LITTLE bit. They are still venomous, but do not get as big as SW ones. I have seen full grown specimens happy in 75g tanks, but it depends on the species. Very cool looking though!

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
I have never owned one, just telling him all that I KNOW.
I hope you don't think I was making fun of you, I have run the little giants and they do run hot was all I was saying. Puffer if your pump is shutting off from to much heat you definatley need a way to cool it off. No pump-no filtration-no filtration-dead fish.


I know some species get about 3 feet wide they were salt water but they were looking for food in the amazon river when it was sw but it slowly turnt into fw