What Is Your Sg


I have had mine at 1.022 for awhile now but I plan on adding some snails in the near future so I would like to get it up to 1.024-1.025.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER
I keep mine at 123
You mean 1.023

Consistent SG is the goal. I have an auto top off that keeps it just perfect at 1.024/1.025 right in between.
When I get new coral I check to see what the reading is that they were shipped in...it always reads 1.021 no matter where I order from.


Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER
Why so high...any special animals?
Nah, it just got kinda high while I was on vacation, and when I attempted to lower it, my shrimp died. My fish seems to be doing good now, though, so there's obviously nothing wrong with a specific gravity of 1.030 :)
might want to check your hydrometer to confirm that reading. Red Sea fish would do nicely with that....I think 1.028 is natural for them.
Take a sample to the LFS and see if they test it the same. My Hydrometer just went bad and was reading 1.030, but really it was 1.025
....I accidentally freaked out and did 2 water changes and dropped my SG to 1.022.
I have since bought a couple new hydrometers.
Anyone have a good preference for a refractometer???


Active Member
1.026, and I don't even check any more, maybe once every six months. Water changes are down to an art, but larger tanks don't show the flaws in minor fluctuations like smaller tanks do. If I had a nano
, I probably couldn't sleep at night.