What is your "show fish"?


My show fish WAS my orange spotted filefish ... still on the hunt for a new one, and I really want a pair.
In the 14G, the show fish is an ORA Fridmani Psedudochromis. I have it under 14K Pheonix Metal Halide lighting with LED accent bards and the fish looks like it's glowing.
In the 20G it's the Blue Spot Jawfish
In the 155G, it depends who you ask. I'd say our Blonde Naso Tang, but everyone else likes the Maldives Lyretail Anthias trio.
In the 40G, it was definitely the Coral Beauty until we moved her to the 155, but the baby mandarin got peoples attention when it came out from behind the rock work. It's still my dad's favorite fish when he comes over to see the tank (aka, his grandbabies, LOL)


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/379934/what-is-your-show-fish/20#post_3305171
My show fish WAS my orange spotted filefish ... still on the hunt for a new one, and I really want a pair.
In the 14G, the show fish is an ORA Fridmani Psedudochromis. I have it under 14K Pheonix Metal Halide lighting with LED accent bards and the fish looks like it's glowing.
In the 20G it's the Blue Spot Jawfish
In the 155G, it depends who you ask. I'd say our Blonde Naso Tang, but everyone else likes the Maldives Lyretail Anthias trio.
In the 40G, it was definitely the Coral Beauty until we moved her to the 155, but the baby mandarin got peoples attention when it came out from behind the rock work. It's still my dad's favorite fish when he comes over to see the tank (aka, his grandbabies, LOL)
My parents are the same with my tank. My mom stops by at least once a week to visit the tank, LOL!