what is your stock list


1 blue hippo
1 sailfin
1 scopas
1 kole
2 engineer gobies
2 firefish
2 true percs
2 clarki
1 exquisite wrasse
1 mandarin
1 lawnmower blenny
1 fuscus blenny
4 chromis
4 anemones
various corals,hermits,snails,shrimp
1- Auriga Butterfly
1- Copperband Butterfly
1- Black and White Heniochus
1- Falcula Butterfly: False
1- Pearlscale Butterfly
1- Pakistani Butterfly
1- Punctato Butterfly
1- Yellow Longnose Butterfly
1- Raccoon Butterfly
1- Klein's Butterfly
1- Chevron Butterfly
1- Reticulated Butterfly
1- Eclipse Butterfly
Housed in a 125 long


Active Member
I have a 46 gal bowfront with:
2 blue/green chromis
coral beauty
twinspot hogfish
various snails
cleaner shrimp
feather duster
pulsing xenia
glove anthelia
green hammer
red hammer
orange monti. cap
2 kinds of star polyps
2 types of toadstools
red,blue,purple,teal,green striped, and elephant ear mushrooms
green & neon green sinulara
finger leather
green paly's
kenya tree


Active Member
oh forgot my stock list.
40g no corals. 192watt orbit and Fluval 205, and Seaclone 100
The Hulk= Spotted MAndarin
Baby= 1st Ocellaris
Turkey= 2nd OCellaris
HarryPotter= Potter Angelfish
Fatty= Lawnmower Blenny
Gimp= Conch
BiggySmalls= Dragon Goby
Torpedo= Purple Firefish
WiseOne= 1st Hermit Crab since Ive started SW


In my 20 gallon I have:
1 yellowtail damsel
1 black and white percula
1 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
1 scarlet hermit crab
3 astrea snails
1 feather duster
1 hitch hiker serpent starfish
2 different zoo colonies
1 green star polyp colony
2 green ricordeas
1 green mushroom


OK just took stock list.....here goes


1 false perc
1 green mandarin
1 green chromis
1exquisite wrasse (my favorite)

2 toadstools
1 frogspawn
1 green plate
1 green brain
1 blue trumpet
1 hammer
1 alveopora
1 orange sun
1 finger leather
1 pulsating xenia
1 colt
1 sea pen
yellow polyps
brown star polyps
mushrooms...red and blue

1 pink coco worm (sp)
1 bubble tip anenome
1 curly anenome
1 brittle star
1 arrow crab
1 blue linckia star
1 white sand star
1 sea cuke (black)
1 emerald crab
2 red leg reef hermit crabs
some shrimp...not sure what kind
many snails....not sure of thier names but they are cleaners
I am sure I have said this before but I Love My Tank and I Love This Board!!! :cheer:



I might as well add mine,
80 Gallon
1-false perc
1-coral beauty
2-green chromis
1-yellow tang
1-powder brown tang (note: I rescued him from a friends tank that was crashing. Tang police might flame me, but I couldnt let him die.)
1-cleaner shrimp
1-sand sifting star
3-emerald craps
8-scarlet legged crabs
Snails (too numerous to get an exact count but I tried about 1 for every couple of gallons of water)
Pumping Xenia
Daisy Polyps
Yellow polyps
Blue mushrooms
Ricordea mushroom
Umbrella Mushroom
Green Star Polyps
One other, yet unidentified waiting for it to get bigger so that maybe we can identify it.

30-xtra high

Active Member
in my 30 extra high i have 20lbs of liverock, 25lbs of lr and fish are
2redleg hermits(just starting my cleanup crew)
2 turbo snails
1 maroon clowns
1 finger dragonet
1 coral banded shrimp


Active Member
92 Gallon Corner
120# LR
65# LS
4" Kole Tang
2" 6 Line Wrasse
2" Domino Damsel
2" Purple Psudeocromis
Some Coral here and there...
Prolly a bit light Bioload..


Active Member
So, I posted my stock list before and it has completely changed now.
Here is what is in my 55 so far:
1 CC star
2 Ocellaris clowns
1 sfe (in QT)
going to get:
-toby puffer
-blackback butterflyfish
Does this look like it will be full, or can I add 1 or two more?


My 75 gallon reef only has 3 fish.
Six line wrasse
Coral Beauty
Scooter Blenny
100 pounds LR and a mixture of LPS and softies.
My 120 currently has 2 fish.
6” Powder Blue Tang
5” Imperator Angel
I am looking to upgrade to a 180 and adding a Purple Tang and 3 Butterflies.
I bought a complete 75 gallon system that had a 8” Bird Wrasse, 6” Powder Blue Tang, 3.5” Yellow Tang, 3.5” Maroon Clown, 5” Imperator Angel, 12” Snowflake Eel, 4” Picasso Trigger, 4.5” Niger Trigger, 3” Coral Beauty and 13” Engineer Goby. I was shocked at the size of the fish and they are all very healthy. I kept the PB Tang and Imperator for my 120 and gave the rest to a friend with a 150. The biggest shock other than how healthy they were was the size of the Engineer Goby. I had no idea they got so big.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Ok, thought I would update my stocking list. It is a 125 Gallon by the way. I am playing on adding another Tang. Anyone one help choose one?????
1. Yellow Tang
2. Koran Angel
3. Porcupine Puffer
4. Pinstripe wrasse
5. Snowflake Eel


I also have a 35 gal. octagon with 40lbs. of LS, 55lbs. of LR. I started the tank last Sept. and just got my Sea horses in it last week.
They are the coolest creatures ever!!
3 Kuda Sea Horses
2 Fire fish
15 Hermit crabs
10 Snails
1 Blue mushroom
1 Red mushroom
7-10 Button polips
1 Striped mushroom