what is your stock list


New Member
55 gal (cycling the new 125 gal right now)
2 Perc Clowns
1 Flame Angel
1 Purple Tang
and countless blue legged crabs and turbo snails
I don't know for sure what I am going to get once the 125 gets up and running!


I am setting up a 55 gal aggressive FOWLR.....it will house
1x humu humu trigger
1x niger trigger
1x SFE (already have it.....he's my baby)
1x somesort of smaller puffer (maybe)
1x maroon clown
I plan on moving the triggrs when they get to big and cramped but for the time they should be fine if i get them pretty small.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefboy12
I am setting up a 55 gal aggressive FOWLR.....it will house
1x humu humu trigger
1x niger trigger
1x SFE (already have it.....he's my baby)
1x somesort of smaller puffer (maybe)
1x maroon clown
I plan on moving the triggrs when they get to big and cramped but for the time they should be fine if i get them pretty small.
that tank will get crowded in a hurry


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
that tank will get crowded in a hurry
It won't get that crowded because that Humu will quickly make it a species only tank, for himself.


Active Member
65g tank10g sump/fuge~70-100lbs LR
~250lbs LS

Return mag7
MJ900 modded
MJ900 stock

CPR Bak Pak (running MJ1200)

DT- 400w MH XM20K
Fuge/sump - 55w Corallife 50/50 PC

Yellow Watchmen Goby
Coral Beauty

Button Polyps

5 Turbo Snails
1 Cerith
Misc peppermint snails
20+ Varous Hermits
2 Emerald Crabs


29 gallon
2 false percs
1 clown goby
1 fire shrimp
1 emerald crab
8 hermits
bunch of nassarius and margarita snails


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
55 gallon:
1 tomato clown
1 yellowtail damsel
1 seahorse
2 blue/green chromis
2 red cigar wrasse (these will cause an upgrade soon)
1 green mandarin drogonet
1 (large) sally lightleg
snails (turbos)
hermits (1 left)
1 ginormous pom pom xenia
5 small waving hand xenia
green palm
two zoanthid patches
You've got a sea horse in there?? i thought you coulndt do that..
my list:
bottom is black calcite..about 30 lbs of live rock and c couple of pieces of drift wood. I have a hang on filter and skimmer 56 Watts attinic and white light..and a secondary water pump in the bottom because of dead spots..
1 clown
1 of each dasmel: yellow tail, spotted, three strip, and a white one with yellow top
1 turbo snail
1 banded shrimp
9 or so hermits
one emerald crab (i hope..havent seen him in weeks)
one red fidler crab
2 bangaii cardinals died.. boo
want a madarin and a lion soon
more curious to see how much people have spent on their tank ;)


Active Member
2 false Peru clowns
1 yellow clown gobie
1 cleaner shrimp
multi snails and hermit crabs
just starting with soft corals
only a couple months old
probly add royal gramma, dawarf angel, and in yr mandrian :happyfish


90 with sailfin tang, 2 bicolor damsels, 1 chromis, purple firefish, algae blenny, blood shrimp, cleaner shrimp, corals and anenomes
75 with creme angel and soom to be added harlequin tusk


45 Gallon:
2 False Percs
1 Pygmy Angel
1 White Sand-sifting Goby
2 Emerald Crabs
Handful Dwarf Blue-leg Hermits
Zoo frags (unidentified as of yet)
Peppermint Shrimp to come, possibly a Royal Gramma...


1 queen angel
1 french angel
1 harlequin tusk
1 clarkii clown
1 niger triger
1 blonde naso
1 flame angel
1 long nose b/f

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by damseldogooder
2 Percula Clowns
5 Yellowtail Blue Damsels
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Bubble-tip Anemone
what size tank do you have?


Active Member
ill look at this thread a milion times and never post in it...
i have a 90 gal
2Clown (one black white one OC)
1 pink blue watchman (what a meanie)
1 b/g chromis
stocked lightly but o well i think im getting a sick hippo to put in after he is qt'd from a relative with a tank.


New Member
still moving from 30 gal to 55 gal
2 clowns f/percs
3 damsels (four stripe) (blue w/yellow tail) and (neon blue? )
1 serpent star
2 queen conch
2 cleaner clams
asst snails
asst crabs
some mushrooms
1 red fire fish just got a week ago still in qt tank
>>>>>>want to add maybe
coral bueaty*
bi-color blenny*
clown citron goby*
<<<<<then will need to start over with 30 gal after cleaning it had c/coral and was a nitrate nightmare !!
still researching what to have in it really reading all seahosre posts lol still thinking about that :thinking:

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
ill look at this thread a milion times and never post in it...
do you still have that miniture tang
sorry man i just cant let some things die