what killed it???


i bought a sally light foot crab 2 days ago and just got home from work to find him lying bottom up on my sand with only 2 legs left and no claws..what killed him...i had a tang, damsel, coral banded shrimp, urchent and a green brit star....would any of these do that to him...about 3 monts ago my scooter blenny disapeared also....what is going on with my fish...water peramiters are perfict please help me


Its the only critter that I see in your tank that is aggressive. It may also just died on its own and your clean up crew feasted on it.


I had a Coral Banded Shrimp that my Brittle star ate. The shrimp would hang out by the star all the time and all of a sudden I looked in there and the star was really fat and weird shaped (like he swallowed a shrimp) He had an expensive dinner that night.


what kind of damsel? we have a yellow tail that pulled the legs off our emerald crab and he died a day later


Active Member
Whoa, people may be missing the obvious, IMO....that nothing killed it but it died. We have to start thinking along these lines, however difficult it may be. Not everything is perfectly healthy and is killed...sometimes things die.
That or it is a molt.
THis was a new crab in the tank...what about acclimation time? What are the water parameters (if perfect, take some credit!!! but it is important just to review them - specific gravity below 1.025, for example, would be a red light for me).
It was not the green brittlestar, IMO...I would say that the crab is a greater threat to the brittlestar than vice versa.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Whoa, people may be missing the obvious, IMO....that nothing killed it but it died. We have to start thinking along these lines, however difficult it may be. Not everything is perfectly healthy and is killed...sometimes things die.

I think too much..


this kind of reminds me of my decorator crab I had. He somehow took off with my porcelain crabs pinchers or claws!.... OH, I was so mad.


water is fine sg is .026 the erchent and sally were put in tank at same time and same acl time..def not a molt...entire crab is there...eyes and all...and now i noticed that that my black stiped damsel has a chuck taken out of his side...the shrimp is gunna be gone as soon as fish store opens