What killed my hippo?


I've had this fish in QT for about 4 days now, eating awesome twice a day. I was giving it formula one, two, emerald entree, brine and mysis, all with garlic supplement. I noticed 3 white specs on his face about two days ago and thought it was ich but not too sure.
This morning the fish was just fine, eating great, with the same 3 white dots that had not moved or anything for the last 2 days. when I got home from work the fish was lethargic, not eating and covered in white spots. Needless to say the fish died. I doubt ich would kill a fish that quickly. Any ideas?
after he died i put him in freshwater and nothing came off..................



the typical:
ammonia: undetectable
nitrates: maybe 10 or less
nitrites: 0
pH: 8.2
sg: 1.023 (using IO swingarm hydrometer)
temp: 78F


I left it in freshwater for the last 30 mins after it died and found some long stringy brown things in the bucket. Could it be a worm or is the fish just pooping while its dead?


Staff member
Hard to really tell for sure with the pics, but it could be oodinium. In which case your other fish are in great jeopardy.
Are those spots raised, ich sized (pinhead size), or are they a tad smaller, looking more like dusting powder? Is the color on the black stripe actually gold, or is that a picture distortion?


Yeah the spots were pretty similar to ich, not so much like dusting powder (whatever that is). The black stripe is actually black, but the fish did have some blotchy discoloration.
This guy was in QT because i just got him. He never saw the DT.


looks like it was probably oodinium. How can i make sure the QT is safe to put new fish in?


Originally Posted by raf
looks like it was probably oodinium. How can i make sure the QT is safe to put new fish in?
Based on the pictures, it does not look like ich and does look like oodinium, or velvet, is certainly a strong possibility. By the time that it shows on the body it is often too late. You could strip your QT down, clean it with white vinegar, and cycle it again, or just don't buy new fish for a couple of months.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
If it were me I would clean it out with a 1:10 bleach/water solution
I agree 1000 percent only i would go with 1 part bleach to 3 parts water in this situation but that is only my preference


Staff member
The life cycle of this "parasite" is around 20 days. It does require a host fish to complete its life cycle. Because oodinium is photosynthetic, leaving the QT in darkness will go a long way in killing off the parasite.
If you add copper, then I'd recommend that after the treatment, you will want to accomplish a total water change using water from your display, and then recondition the tank's biological filter.


how long will it take with the copper treatment to kill it off? I have some Mardel Coppersafe here but not sure if it will do any good.


Originally Posted by raf
how long will it take with the copper treatment to kill it off? I have some Mardel Coppersafe here but not sure if it will do any good.
Coppersafe isn't strong enough. You would need to use Cupramine. Really, it is much less bother to strip the tank down and use bleach, which is better than what I had suggested, and cycle again, or just wait it out. Copper treatment is three weeks anyway.


what if i were to drain the water and dry the tank outside in the sun? I'm assuming nothing will survive then right?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
how long will it take with the copper treatment to kill it off?
you really cant get a definitive answer as the different life cycles have variables. research each time line of each cycle and come up with your own comfort zone for treatment
what if i were to drain the water and dry the tank outside in the sun?
with all due respect I think you should just bleach and feel confident you have sterilized your tank


OK then how do I safely rinse the bleach out? Is there some kind of additive i have to put in?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by raf
OK then how do I safely rinse the bleach out? Is there some kind of additive i have to put in?
what i would do is hose it down real well, dry it and then rather then filling the tank i would soak a towel with a chlorine neutralizer such as Aqual plus or any other brand found in any LFS and water and wipe down the entire inside. If you want to be absolutely sure when you refill your tank with Salt water again add the neutralizer