what kind of clam?


here ya go. ive really no clue about clams.
ive heard they keep ammonia and nitrates low. is it true? if it is, would it be ok if i put 2 of them in my 20 gallon? :)

bang guy

Looks like a Crocea to me. You'll need a LOT of light. I mean massive amounts of light for that animal. My concern is about cooling down a 20 gallon tank with that much light over it.


oh man..
is 4.75 watts/gallon enough to sustain it?
i only have a 95 watt (20 watts and a 75 watts) lighting system.


oh man, im screwed.
havent seen any store here selling Metal Halides. I had a very hard time finding my only VHO.
$3 US.
Impulse buying. :thinking:


$3 us hell feed it to your fish.
what is your location?
cant you ---- for a MH setup
250w pendent


I spent $279 including shipping on a 24 inch retro with a 10K 250w and 75x2 super anticis URI on E-bay....It just arrived today and I'm jumpping for joy...It was better than I expected. The same place has 250 and 175 set ups for cheap (they are retros not pendents).


---- doesnt reach my place. philippines. lol.
fish are even cheaper.
equipment, on the other hand, is a different story.
and maybe thats the reason why i cant find MH here.
i dont think i can trade it either, since i know no one from from my area that keeps marine aquariums.
i think ill just return it to the lfs.
thanks for the very useful information. :)


that is a beautiful clam, it sucks that you have to return it but i think you are doing the right thing.. so you were able to find a vho light, thats good do you think you will be able to add another one. was it really expensive ?


hmm.. the store doesnt take them back.
the lfs doesnt have any light at all over the clams (or as well as any other fish/coral).. so i guess they MIGHT be better off with me.
if i add another VHO, for a total of 150 watts, (7.5 watts per gallon) would it be sufficient for the clam?
not really super expensive.. but dating girls takes about 4/5 of my allowance... :notsure:


go for it.
keep good water quality, and you dont need to feed it.
keep good Ca level...........


Active Member
I would suggest a few things. First off put him at the top of your tank, not the bottom. secondly Im not sure how big he is but since your lights wont be enough to feed him I would suggest feeding him DT's weekly, maybe twice a week depending on how big he is.


thanks for the info. I did put him in teh most top part of the aquarium. too bad his purplish colors arent much seen from the top of the tank.
uhmm... what are DT's?
Sorry.. havent heard of it. Nothing in the market here. :)


Active Member

Originally posted by jourdy
thanks for the info. I did put him in teh most top part of the aquarium. too bad his purplish colors arent much seen from the top of the tank.
uhmm... what are DT's?
Sorry.. havent heard of it. Nothing in the market here. :)

dt's is Phytoplankton

bang guy

IMO Crocea require HID lighting. I'm a big (huge) fan of VHO but no amount of VHO is going to be able to keep that clam healthy long term.


jeez. that's what i call a light monster.
ill see what i can do (either find anotehr owner, or search day and night for MH). thanks again. :)


Active Member
Yes they do love light, I have one that sits directly on the upper part of my rocks under a 250wt mh bulb and seems happy, w/much less I fear he wouldnt bode so well.