Actually, it came in on my rock as a hitch hiker. It grew from nothing. I don't feed it anything,. it won't take cyclop-eeze, But it does like steady current. You will notice that it will close up and look like a cauliflour branch, it can stay closed up like that for up to a week. Mine has done it about 4 times, the first time I worried, I thought it was dead. I am warning you so you don't worry. Mine started to grow when I had PC lighting. I had 4 65watt bulbs in a 24 inch deep tank, this coral was real close to the bottum, so it doesn't require a lot of light. I now have halides so it will tolerate high light.
No secrets, it's the easiest one I have. Also, I have many stonies, I have never seen my capnella release that "toxin" that a lot of softies do!!