What kind of Coral is this?


Active Member

well the person i bought this frag from said it was green star polyp....but id think its some type of false coral, or xenia?


Active Member
if it grows from a mat, it could be star polyps. but i hv never seen that color. it could also be anthelia or xenia.


Active Member
Star polyps come in green or brown, or variations of these two colors. Yours are the brown variety.

ric maniac

Active Member
It has a mat, and xenia grow a tall stalk, then branch out. It would be significantly taller if it were xenia


Nice green star it should grow fast for you :) That type has realy fine almost hair like polyps looks soft LOL.


Active Member
If I am seeing this right, looks like anethelia do each of the tenticles have smaller ones on it? Or are they smooth? Star polops are smooth, yours look like they may have little spikes on them.


"Green Star Polyp(Pachyclavularia violacea) is an encrusting type coral that has bright green polyps or occasionally light brown or gray. It has a large bright center to each polyp and when the are retracted there are dark purple, tubular calcyes left projecting above the mat. A similar species, Briareum sp. will leave only calcyes only slightly projecting."
Anthelia usually
have longer stolon and grow much like xenia. Not all star polyps are smooth, Briareum are not as smooth as Pachyclavularia. However I see where you are thinking it could still be anthelia here. So there is an easier way to tell and resolve this quickly, take a picture of it before the polyps come out and post that here. If you like just wave your hands over it a few times until the polyps retract then take the picture.
Sorry to do this but: There is yet another coral that this resembles, encrusting gorgonia look very much like this as well.


looks like a gsp but not green so a sp lol
because i have some anthelias in my aquarium they look like the but long and stalky


Active Member
i thought it was a GSP (not green obviously).
but take another look , its not on a mat. there are little stalks coming straight from the rock, with no connecting flesh. its xenia or anthelia species type.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
i thought it was a GSP (not green obviously).
but take another look , its not on a mat. there are little stalks coming straight from the rock, with no connecting flesh. its xenia or anthelia species type.



Active Member
I still think it is a xenia. Like saltnoob said, its not on a mat, its individual stalks. I used to have some and it looked exactly like this.


ILL bet anyone here 10 dollars via paypal that those are brown/faded green star polyps.
Original poster, if you don't mind can you agitate the coral, making it close up, and then take a pic of it's base?.