what kind of shrimp do I use to start my cycle?


New Member
The tank is set up for for four days now and it looks great. However I don't want to sacrifice any fish to start my cycle. What type of shrimp do I use to get the cycle going? How many? and for how long? Any input would be great. The tank is 92gal and will be adding live rock this coming saturday.


Where are you getting the live rock from? I you are getting it online, I have heard that placing the rock in the tank will be sufficient to cycle the tank.


i use 2 cleaner shimp. one of them die trying to escape. there were so cute 1 little one and a big one. but the big one survive the hole cycle and still in the tank:joy:

bang guy


Originally posted by gate2wire
However I don't want to sacrifice any fish to start my cycle. What type of shrimp do I use to get the cycle going?

Good for you for not making a Damsel suffer.
After you get your rock just feed your tank flaked fish food just like you would if you had a couple small fish in there. A pinch once or twice a day will do.
If you want to use shrimp that'll work too but do it after your live rock is in. Any type of cocktail or salad shrimp will do.


New Member

Originally posted by Big Slick
Did you get your lights up? you didn't get your shrimp last night, did you?

they are up now, shrimp in today.