What kind of snails and crabs?


I was courious on what people thought were the best snaild and crabs to have for a clean up crew? Like what work the best in peoples opinions?
Also has anyone had a good expereince with 10 Nassarius Snails?
Please also put in you opinions about snad siffting stars and gobies. Or what ever else you have found to work good.
Thank You


Active Member
Just wanted to say that no matter which kinds you get, it is still hit and miss. I have a few mexican turbos and they don't do anything. I have a few scarlets, and they do a little, but they are hardly aggressive at eating the algae. It would probably take 10 of them PER GALLON to do the amount of cleaning up they are "supposed" to do. So, regardless, you just sorta have to experiment and get lucky. They are still living animals so there is no telling how effective any actual species will be once you get it into your tank. That said, im not at all against the mexican turbos or the scarlet hermits. I'll probably still get more and hope the new ones act more like they are "supposed to."


Nassarius Snails mostly cleans the bottom of the tank, they mostly hide under the sand till you feed. i almost never see them cleaning the glass, well that how mine are anyways..:p


Active Member
For snails I perfer Margaritas and Ceriths.
For hermits I prefer Scarlets(not to be confused with red legs).
I don't like sand sifting stars, I use nassarious snails and cucumbers.


Thank You all for the replys. So the Nassarius Snails do a pretty good job on you sand? That is what I am looking for somehting that will help controll the algae on the sand.
Thank You


i have turbo snail with Nassarius Snails and they do a good job. the diffrence from red legged and blue legged crab not to sure, but yes you can mix them. i have them also in my tank.


Active Member
Nassarious snails won't eat algae, they are scavengers/detravors and sand stirers.
I use nassarious for clean up and the margaritas and ceriths for algae control.
Scarlets are suppose to be less aggresive than red legs and the other hermits aswell.
And you can mix (reef safe)hermits.
i prefer the dwarf hermit or dwarf zebra crabs you have to buy more since there small and stay small but atleast you don't have to worry about them trying to kill you fish.


i know im new to this game, but one thing i have learned in the last few months of this madness....astrea snails cannot turn themselves over once they've fallen on their shells....i find my self flipping over upside down snails more than once a day....hmmm


I also find this to be true with the astrea or Margaritas. There is always one the is upside down. I dont know about the Nassarious as I dont have any of those.
has anyone found that red legs or blue legs to try to eat your fish?


Why even use hermit crabs? I caught more than one killing my smaller fish at night. If you want algal control go with the green crab. That is all it eats. Just look up inverts here and read what it says about each specimen. I think the cukes are best at sifting sand because like earthworms they actually ingest it then send it back out nice and clean with extra nutrients


New Member
I just put 5 emerald crabs in last night. they started eating within seconds after they reached the bottom.


When you look under crabs here to buy the all almost say the are good for algea. This is just why I ask to see what otherm people have had success with. :D


Were the emerald crabs eating the algae on the sand? I could not find grreen crabs?
I like the red legs and blue legs. I also like the Scarlets. :D