What lights do you leave on at night?


Do you leave any lights on at night? Should you leave a dim light on outside the tank like a little nite-lite or something?


I don't leave any on but I have been considering a light from a company called moonlight which offers a light that is supposed to mimic the effect of moonlight in your tank.
Anyone else heard of this?

mr . salty

Active Member
Moonlighting can be affective in a reef tank when you are trying to get your corals to reproduce,,,but it only works if used properly...
In a fish only tank it is not needed at all..And causes algae problems in my experience...


Active Member
Hey, I have a thriving reef tank with a few fish and shrimp;
I leave a light on my refugium 24/7. I have a large growth of calurpa in there and it does great. The only critters in the refugium are a couple snails, a couple of red leg hermits and a brittle star. (Not to mention a billion pods of all sizes and shapes.)
My main tank lights are on a timer as well as my skimmer.


I haven't done this "nite-lite" setup yet. It just said in this book I'm reading that since the real ocean doesn't go pitch black at night nor should your tank, but I don't think I'll do it though, although I think I'll definitly try the teddybear idea!
Thanks for your input my internet friends


Active Member
yeah, the ocean at night doesn't get totally dark, but it is rare for the room the fish tank is in to be totally dark either. I'd say no actual need for a "nightlight" but feel free to add one for effect. also, if you aren't doing it to help animals spawn, then you don't need to buy the expensive moonlight. just get a cheap flourescent or incandecent light. If i ever did that, I think i would put a red light over the tank, since the animals can't see the light, all the nocturnal animals would still be comfy while letting me watch them (no more flashlights!)


Active Member
I don't run any lights on my tank either. But I have been thinking of adding a red light as krishj39 said.

mr . salty

Active Member

Originally posted by FlyDan
I leave a light on my refugium 24/7. I have a large growth of calurpa in there and it does great.

Lights on 24/7 is reccomended in a REFUGIUM where you are trying to promote the growth of algae...Trying this in your main tank would surly produce the same results....


Active Member
After walking into my tank a few times on my way to the kitchen in the middle of the night - we placed a nightlight on the far side of the family room.
This is to keep ME from banging into the tank - and has nothing to do with the critters.
The ocean is not totally dark at night ???? Hmmmmm even when it's cloudy and the moon is not out. Interesting.


Thank you for being sarcastic Broomer.
My desire to learn anything from this website has just been reduced to nil, since I know that any of my opinions are subject to ridicule.
Your probably right about the ocean being pitch black during cloudy nights when there is no moon though, but I don't know I've never even seen the ocean. That's why I want to bring a small part of the ocean into my home.
Sorry if I seem to be a crybaby about your sarcasm Broomer. I just want to learn about this stuff before I spend $3,000.
No offense was intended.


I was thinking of adding one of those moonlights just for the look of it. My lights turn off at 9:30 PM and -honestly- mostly I'n not in bed by that time.... Looking at the pictures and videoclip provided here, it seems pretty cool.
Does anyone actually have one? Worth it?
Hey Noobie! "...always look at the bright side of life..." :) :)


Active Member
That was not sarcasim - that was me questioning something you had stated. You said you "read" something in a book that the AUTHOR wrote about the ocean not going pitch black at night.
You didn't write it - you read it and then told us you read it.
You yourself are questioning it too - or you would not have mentioned that you read it in the first place.
I would question anyone or any author of a book that wrote something like that, because everything is pitch black to our eyes ..... in the absence of naturaly sun or moon light - or some other form of light. I've never been under the sea at night - but I would "imagine" that is get's pretty darn dark down there.
I simply found it interesting that someone would write a passage in a book that says it's not.
I apologize if my reply has soured your taste for learning about this hobby at this site. That was never my intention.
Any opinion is subject to question - everyone's ~ including mine.
But I don't feel that I responded in a way that most would find to be ridiculing. I basically said I thought it was interesting.
Sorry if what I wrote appeared otherwise.


I should be the one apologizing. I interpreted (hard to do with typing) what you had written to be sarcastic and it was not, so now I just look like a fool.
It was just a bad day here in the great state of NE. It started this morning when "Andy" (Honda Accord) had a flat tire and I was late to work and the rest of the day was downhill from there. I'm sorry that I brought the negativity of my day to this message board, most of all you. I hope that you accept my apology because 80% of what I have learned on this forum has come from you and Oceanjumper.
I am anxious to learn more from you.......Sensei Broomer.


Josh: Your LED lights look really good. I may just do this night lighting after all, simply for the fact that it will be more aesthetically pleasing than the dark tank after 10:00. Heck, the night is just getting started by 10:00! I wanna be able to see my minature ocean!
Oceanjumper: Thanks for the link, it does look like it would be pretty cool.
They say some kids outgrow their toys..... just get bigger toys!


I'm sorry you had a bad day, Noobie:( . I'm sure Broomer meant no harm. He's pretty easy going...and not bad on the eyes, either...;) ...(he knows he's my sw hero). I'm glad that you decided to stick around. We all learn from each other, and try to respect everyone...unlike alot of BB's I've seen. When I first came here, I got BLASTED for using damsels to cycle. I didn't let those people run me off, though, because I need this site to have a successful tank. You'll find it invaluable, too, I'm sure. It's a great adventure. But usually a bumpy ride...HANG ON!!!
ps. Hi Broomer;)


ntvgirl: Thank you for the words of encouragement!
I could never leave this site, it's going to save me a fortune to listen to you fellow aquariusts over my LFS (*****).


Active Member
That's cool Noobie !
It's easy to interpret typed words one way or another, especially if not a lot of detail is given. I could have been more clear in my reply and not been so vague.
I also could have replied with something more meaningful to your original question.
You don't look like a fool either - you seem like most of us - just trying to learn about stuff you either read or heard from others.
To your original concern;
I placed a small 15 watt blue incandescent light in my canopy, one of the cheapo's from Home Depot that just clamps on.
It comes on after all other lighting goes off - for me to observe some of the "night" life that comes out.
But I only run it for an hour or so - then the tank goes dark.
Later ;)
p.s. Hi ntvflgirl :)